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I made my way home for lunch feeling energized after my work out with Zion, Beta Caleb's son and future Beta of our pack. I enjoy working out with him because he always pushes me to do better, be better and most importantly, he doesn't treat me like a helpless girl who needs to be protected

Like my father and brother...

"Hello family" I cheerfully said when I made it to the kitchen in my gym gear and sweaty body

"Hey sweetheart, how was your workout?" my mom asked as she continued chopping veggies

"Always great" I smiled as I took a sit next to Raina, my best friend and brother's mate

"Uh girlfriend, you might want to take a shower first" she pretended to be moving away from me and I just laughed

"Why? I thought I'm gonna help you guys prepare lunch" I joked

"No!" both ladies yelled making me laugh even more

Everyone in this house knows that cooking isn't my best skill, yes I can do the bare minimum just so I don't die of hunger but I don't go the extra mile. I'm not a great cook and I honestly don't enjoy cooking in the first place. Luckily my mom and Raina understand and they on the other hand are great cooks, so is my brother Jayden

"But why" I faked a sulk

"Honey, I love you but no way am I going to have you ruin today's lunch" my mom said and I remembered we have visitors coming over

My dad is part of the council so they will be holding their meeting here today, no wonder my mom and Raina went all out

Just as I stood up my dad and uncle Caleb walked in. My dad looked mad and I already knew what's up because Jayden had sent me a text earlier asking me to help him

"What's wrong now?" my mom asked without even looking up, I still find it puzzling how they don't need to see or look at each other to know how the other is feeling. Maybe it comes with the mate bond because Jayden and Raina seem to have the same thing going on

And then there's me... Almost 20 years old and still without a mate

"Jayden" My dad said and put his hands in his pockets

"What has he done now?" she asked

It's no secret that Jayden has been working overtime to piss our dad off and he's choosing the worst time to do it. He should be more focused than ever right now because in just a few months he will be taking his rightful position as the Alpha but instead his nowhere to be found half the time when he should be learning and it doesn't help that he won't open up to me so none of know where he spends most of his time. Even Raina has no idea

"What has he not done? This boy is doing his absolute best to anger me and I'm losing my patience with him very fast!"

My mom turned and walked towards my dad, she put her hand on his arm and he shut his eyes and did what I assumed to be breathing excercises then he opened his eyes and spoke a lot calmer this time

" He's supposed to attend a meeting with future alpha's at the River Ash pack but I can't get hold of him. This is the perfect time for him to familiarise himself with alpha duties and the best he can do is hide wherever he is right now"

"And his phone is off?" my mom asked

"Yes, I've tried it countless times" by try I know he means he left hundreds of threatning voice messages summoning Jayden to return home

"Maybe he will show up"

"Uh.. Actually... He sent me a text asking me to attend for him. He said he has something else to attend to" I finally spoke up

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