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Protagonist POV :

It's 3 AM in morning and usually I'll be in bed , but today it's a new morning as I'm gonna start my work as paperboy today ! My family is a middle class family but they were always able to provide us everything .

But one day for fun, my mom compared me with a paper boy who went that side . And I don't know what came over me and I said I'll be working as paperboy from tomorrow .

Actually I have no damn idea what I'm gonna do but I wish it will be a blissfull journey . I woke up by the sound of my alarm , and I mentally cursed myself for pushing me into this .

Then I got ready as it is the very first day . The way to work was peaceful which we can't find during normal day times .

I took this time to admire the way to work and it was beautiful, then I reached the place of my work and I was welcomed by the boys of my age and above . They seemed good , then my agent came and explained everything .

We were told to insert the additional papers to the main papers , we did that while talking and playing and everyone had their own set of reason to work here .

We gelled together well . Then my agent came with me as it is my first day . He showed me the area where I'll be working as the newspaper boy . It's the 'Railway quarters' of our hometown.

Every house and blocks will be apart from each other and the blocks will have many floors . First I made up my mind that I'll be able to do it . My agent then showed every house that I have to deliver the papers .

I memorized them well . And also I have to keep in mind , the change of papers for each house on Saturday's and Sundays .

And also have to remember the additionals . First day went fast as my agent was with me and he told me everything clearly .

And he said he will accompany me for one week to practice me . I was relieved hearing that . Because no one can ace it in first day .

I thanked him for that and we completed our first day job . Everything seems to be good .

Maybe it didn't seem to be too hard on first day , I know it's not gonna be a 'happy only journey' I know I'm gonna face many things in this travel .

But I loved the early morning travel from my home to the workplace , it's bliss . After coming back to workplace with my agent , he again said everything , the house details , the paper details , and everything .

Then I started to home , on my way I again enjoyed the travel but this time many vehicles passed me and it againbecame the busy place .

I miss that serenful journey . I came home after my first day of work and my mom was so proud of me . As usual dad didn't say anything .

My brother adviced me to do everything safe . I ate my breakfast and went to our terrace . I sat in my favourite place (A corner where we have our tank ) . And I again started thinking of work .

The way the boys shared their story while arranging the papers , had my heart . They all have many reasons to work , they all supported their family as much as they can .

I adored them , they also treated me well . I didn't feel like stranger , they made the environment so good . I'm looking forward to the next day ! And I'm hoping this journey holds something to teach me for my life .


Hey guys , it's just another short story which is not like my other stories , this one is written purely for greater outlook on life and for positivity !!
Thanks to NirmalRaj476 anna for giving this idea and plot for me to write !

Hope you like this !

One life love all ,

TejaDurai 🤍 !

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