Depression consumes you.

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In my mind, its all mixed up.

In my mind, I feel like a fuck up.

With these meds I take they say I'll get better.

with the help I get will it really be any better?

I feel as if I lost it.

I maybe going insane.

Please god just stop this pain.

I dont wanna cry anymore.

I dont wanna be weak

And I know I am just a freak

I'm just not sure if I will live any longer the rest of this week.

When the moment comes who will care?

Those who realize at last moment?

those who never gave a shit, till you were gone?

Deep within, there may lay a light

But all around me there only be night.

Solid darkness comes about

theres no doubt that ill find my way out.

Im cold as a stone now, im feeling like death is here.

Nearby I see a girl start to cry

should I even try, to say, you'll be alright?

I can't do much, but hold myself tight.

All, I just want to do, is fight

My sight is going blury
and My face is tear stained red.

Please someone, just end this pain.

The feeling of stones crushing my body down.
As people throw them toward me.

This is what feels like when depression has caught you.

When it has consumed you.
And will devor your soul.

But how sad it is to say that This, is just the begining of depression consuming you.
rather its just the start of it still trying catching you.

it wants to Consume the real you, till you are no more.
Till you are nothing.

feeling deep down in your bones
" why am I even here? whats my purpose?"

That my friend, leads to another story, in which depression is the main cause: To; Suicide.
**haha sorry I use 'consume' way to much. xD

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