Chapter 2

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By the end of the principal photography, every one of the dwarves knew Richard had a crush on Lee, and everyone of the elves knew that Lee had a crush on Richard. The problem was, they didn't know the other had a crush on them as well.

Richard didn't want to go back home, for he wouldn't see Lee again until next year. On their last night in New Zealand, Dean had organised a party in his house.

Richard felt like a woman, getting changed a hundred times until he just put on a nice fitting shirt and jeans, finding he was most comfortable in those. Little did he know that Lee was changing into something else for the tenth time as well, sighing in frustration because he couldn't find anything he liked.

So Lee decided to go shopping and he bought himself some jeans in which his body was very well-defined.

( aka crotch visible )

That night, Richard was there before Lee, and he decided to sit in the garden with Jed and Graham as he watched them take care of the barbeque.

Every time the doorbell rang, he looked up, hoping it was Lee, but it wasn't. Then, when he was engaged in an interesting conversation about theatre with Ian McKellen, Lee suddenly stood in front of him.

He stopped in the middle of a sentence, looking up at Lee's face before his eyes darted down for a second. "Hey Lee!" He said as he quickly looked back up at his face, and grinned goofily.

"Hullo Rich" Lee grinned back at him before greeting the rest of the gang as well.

Lee sat down next to Richard and Richard asked. "New clothes?" As he said it, he realised it sounded like he knew everything that Lee had in his closet and he felt very stalkerish. However, Lee smiled, nodding. "I did, do you like it?"

Like? No, Richard loved it.

"Yeah, it suits you well," he said with a warm smile, trying not to blush.

"Thank you" Lee replied, a soft blush on his cheeks, one that Richard found absolutely adorable and he wished Lee was flustered more often.

Later that night, he was in the kitchen with Graham to get a new glass of wine, and Graham looked at him. "Rich, you really need to just ask him out. Everyone knows you like him, and everyone knows he likes you back."

The taller man whined a little. "But what if he's only teasing me, or what if... Ugh this bloody shyness.."

{ it's cute Rich, don't worry }

Graham chuckled. "I'd say do it now, or else you'll have to wait for months" Richard frowned and grumbled a bit before leaving Graham in the kitchen. Martin smirked. "Shy Richie is afraid to tell LeeLee?"

Richard shushed him. "Not so loud..." He hissed, glancing at Lee, though luckily he hadn't heard.

Lee was sitting with Orlando in the corner of a room, but Lee wasn't concentrated on the conversation, only on how handsome Richard looked in that shirt.

Orlando pinched him. "Oi, Lee. Are you even paying attention?"

Lee nodded vaguely. "Yeah yeah, you said something about weird fans right?"

The older man groaned. "Lee, just tell him already. He's shy as fuck so if you're waiting for him to make the first move you can wait all eternity."

Lee raised his eyebrows confused as he looked at Orlando. "I know everyone knows of my crush, but how do you know he likes me back?"

Another groan escaped Orlando's lips as he ran a hand down his face. "You really are just as oblivious as he is aren't you? Everyone knows you're crushing on eachother..."

Lee's lips curled into a perfect smirk, his eyes darting to Richard. "You're really not fooling around with me?" He asked Orlando, and he shook his head. "Ask someone else, just anyone, they'll tell you."

As Richard was getting himself yet another wine, Lee was doing exact what Orlando had said, asking other people about whether or not Richard returned his feelings.

Richard was now slightly tipsy, hoping to get a bit more loose and open, so he could go up to Lee. It worked, though he hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid he would regret.

Lee approached him at the same time Richard approached Lee. "Hey Richard," Lee said with a brilliant smile that made Richard melt. "Hello Lee," Richard grinned.

"How's your evening?" The younger one asked, and Richard pointed to his wine. "Bit of drinking, bit of eating and talking, some more drinking" he slurred slightly.

Tipsy, more like drunk.

Lee chuckled. "I think you've had rather enough now Richard, don't you?"

He shrugged. "I-if I drink, I get less shy so that's why I'm talking to you without blushing," he pointed at Lee, and Lee smirked surprised.

"Is that so? How come you are so afraid to talk to me?" He wanted Richard to somehow open up to him first, so he was going to tease him a bit if necessary.

"Because... You are the most handsome man I've ever seen" Richard smiled drunkenly, but Lee didn't care, he found it most adoring, and blushed a little.

Before Lee could speak again, Richard continued. "And.. Because you have the most lovely smile and it makes me feel all warm, though that could also be the wine" he giggled.

Lee put a hand on his shoulder. "Hush now, you're drunk, don't go babbling about things you might regret later."

Richard shook his head, and a wave of boldness rushed over him. In that second, he pulled Lee down to his face and kissed him. Lee's eyes widened in surprise before they fluttered closed, kissing him back.

Shy, pigheaded morons [richlee]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum