chapter 2

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I was in shocked when he called me like that like who the heck think he is ? I mean He don't know me .

" Stop calling me like that , you don't know me , ok ? "

" You bored me . Stop talking before i'll cut your head "

" Oh my god , your mother must be proud of you . "

Oh my good who the heck thinks He is ? This boy has no manners like you're not talking to a girl like that . 

" That's it , this b*tch will die tonight "  He comes to me and he grabs my arm and i stared into his eyes they were very dark .

"Leave me alone , please you're hurting me " He was so strong and my eyes start to full with tears

" yo' man leave the girl alone she didn't do anything " Ace said

" She should know to not speak like that to me  " suddently i feel my arm released and i go a step behind . 

" Please i want to go homee , please " i start to cry and i looked at Ace

" Bro ... you scared the girl what the heck "

" I don't care Ace , make her go before i'll kill her and  " he sit on the couch and drink a sip of beer

" But it's dark outside .." ace said looking at me . I start to panick because time in this house goes very fast. I want to go home at my jhonny

" I don't care she should know to not f*ck with her boyfriend in the woods "

I open my mouth to say something but then i remember him hurting my arm and who knows what would this guy do to me.

" Guys we should go before they open it's almost 8 o'clock " alex said and a smile is in my face right now because i know that they would take me with them

" F*ck ,f*ck , where is my coat?" ashton said.

Everybody start to panick and looking for they're coats except from the guy who has a very bad behavior

" Ace , where are you going ? " I said looking at him

" Oh yes , i forgot about you , mhm ... hey demon "

" Why the hell are you still here ?  Do you want cookies? "
he rolles his eyes

" No . I want you to take anne to her home and make sure she will get safe home "

Before demon say something everybody walked out the door

" So what i'm gonna do with you cutie ? "

My heart start to beat faster and i start to panick . What will this guy do to me ? He will rape me. Or worse ... he will kill me. I'm gonna die . I'm to young for die .

A lot of thoughts start to come in my mind

" I want h-home " my voice cracked a bit

" Of course you want home , who wouldn't ? "

" So do you take me home ? " i asked , please , please say yes

" No " my heart start to beat faster than it could

"I want you to make me a sandwich and then i would take you home "  He laugh at me .

What the .... this guy has problems . REAL problems . He make me to do a sandwich  ?

" O-ok . " I did gave my coat off me

" Where is the kitchen ? "

" Seriously ? Are you going to make me a sandwich ? " he looks serious now . I mean yes you asked for dumbass 

" Yes . You asked me to make you one "

" Ok . " He smiles a little bit and take my hand and he took me to kitchen

I open the fridge and i took the bread and the sausage and i start to make him a sandwich.

" So do you guys live here alone ? " I asked

" Yes . " he gave me a simple and quickly answer .

" why ? " I put the bread on top of the sandwich and i gave it to him

" Because we don't like in the city " he took the sandwich and took a bite .

" It's good . Now let's get you home .



Ugh .. it's not good . I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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