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Possible Name Change? If yes consider Alice and Emmet

Warning this story contains:

gambling, weed, smoking, addiction, abuse, mentions of suicide, bullying, gore/blood, obsession, possession, and mental illnesses and disorders like anorexia, depression, and anxiety.

Set: High school, NJ Senior Year - 2005


Twins Kehlani and Khalid are too pitiful emos, constantly being bullied and odd out by their peers they wish for nothing more than to be normal. They are always being cast away when finally someone speaks to them without ridiculing them after, but whenever she leaves they are depressed. Anna - Bella is interested in the twins, after watching one get bullied she feels drawn to their oddness. The twins grow possessive and obsessive with Anna.

Characters & Personalities:

Annabella, (16/17) is Described as an angel. Quiet, Dainty, Loveable, and aware seemingly the only one who treats the twins like human beings, which is the reason why they are obsessed with her. (1989)

"I'm just a nice popular girl."

Lani, (17/18) Follows her brother, Khaleed. Touch deprived a lovesick puppy who would do anything to please Anna.

"You make me feel like I belong."

Khaleed, (17/18) A leader, in public has a shy personality, love deprived, constantly bullied always sulking. Never wanted to trust anyone besides his sister, Lani.

"I'd do anything for her."

Background Info: Twins (1988)

They grew up with an abusive father and a mother who was scared of her husband, so she did drugs to numb her pain. The twins have never been taught a single thing from their parents, who are deadbeats and somehow always angry. Their parents would always fight when they were children, Lani  always held dread for letting them fight, because it always ended in them getting a new sibling. They've always had a boring and abusive childhood. When they were 13/14 they made a band with their friends, dispanded shortly after when they moved and left their middle school


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