Intro - A Golden Ninja

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Intro as in introducing to you our world's main character, and this not being our Prologue.

As we know, we're going to be Mikoto in this story. Though, after coming back from the dead, she's no longer the Mikoto Uchiha that we all know and love.

Introducing . . .

Miko Iwasaki —

Gender: Female

Age: 12-13

Description: From looks alone, Miko isn't eye-catching. She is a short, malnourished child with a weak build. Her dark brown hair is cut short and choppy, and her eyes are soft and sweet, colored like honey.

Her personality isn't particularly consistent. Just like you, her actions and words change depending on the closeness and the comfortabilty she has with each person.

Date: 28/04/21

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