Chapter 2: [Melting Ice: Inside the Darkness]

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I can't believe you're still reading LOL!

But here's the second chapter!

I do not own Naruto!



“Poison Release: Poison Cloud Jutsu!!”

I shouted as thick clouds of poison surrounded my opponent, “That should paralyze him for a while…” I smirked as I formed a new set of hand signs, “You’re fini-“

“Not quite…”

                “What the-“ my eyes widening as I was kicked on the back, sending me a few feet away. I landed roughly on the ground.  My opponent stood before me with his hand placed on his hips, “Never thought I would beat a Matsuzuki that easily… It’s really disappointing…”

                He started walking towards me and smirked, “Well, there’s no doubting it… You are WEAK…” I clenched my hands tightly as I glared at the ground. “You aren’t even worth of Lord Orochimaru’s time! Can you even see yourself?  No wonder why your clan hated you! You’re just a-

“That’s enough Kabuto…” came the voice of Orochimaru-sama. “That will be it for today… Mei you may take your leave…”

                I stood up shakily and bowed, “Thank you Orochimaru-sama. I apologize for being a disappointment… “ I quickly left and headed for my room, slamming the door. I looked at the mirror and saw my long dark hair that my mother loved so much. I gritted my teeth. I can’t believe that I let myself be dragged down by those liars! My very own clan!

Well, there’s no doubting it… You are WEAK…’

‘No wonder your clan hated you!’

                Glaring at my reflection, I took out a kunai and gripped my hair. ‘I have grown tired of everyone looking down on me… calling me weak… pretending that they cared for me!’ I clenched the kunai and cut my hair, letting the strands fall to the ground.

‘Love…? There is no such thing! There is only hate…! Darkness…’

Smiling sadistically at the mirror, I plunged the kunai into my wrist…


Wincing as blood dripped from my wrist and into the ground. I stared at my reflection.

“It is better to be feared... than to be loved…”


Third Person

             It has been a year since Mei joined Orochimaru as his apprentice. Ever since her fight against Kabuto she has been acting differently... She was strangely quiet and was mostly alone somewhere in the hideout or in a forest, training. Orochimaru decided to leave her be unless she heeds his orders to kidnap or assassinate someone.

           Mei has been growing stronger and stronger these past months. She would still lose to Kabuto but nonetheles, mostly wins against him. Orochimaru noted that she was strong for a nine-year old. Sometimes he would see Kabuto struggling to dodge her attacks.

                Right now, they were travelling towards the Hidden Mist village. Orochimaru and Kabuto in the lead, Mei following close behind. Jumping from tree to tree they neared the entrance of the village. Mist started to form as they made their way to their destination.

"I'm afraid I have to stop you right here Orochimaru... As I obviously see you as a threat to the village."


                I stared blankly at the man before us, analyzing what he looked like. He had a big sword on his back and had his headband sideways. He also wore bandages as a mask. The thing that amused me was the leg warmers he wore. 'Seriously...? Cow patterns?' I thought incredulously.

                "We are merely passing by... We are not meaning to cause a threat to your precious village-" I heard Orochimaru-sama reply, "-Zabuza Momochi..." Zabuza scoffed then glanced at me, "Well I see you have a new member..."

                "Ah yes... This here is Mei... My apprentice." Orochimaru sama said gesturing at me. I only stared at Zabuza not wanting to speak. I internally sighed, this is taking so long... I would have crushed that Zabuza's skull by now.

               "Well then... Let's make a deal. I would let you leave if Mei-" he glanced at me, "wins against Haku-" I raised an eyebrow... Haku? That sounds familliar... "But if Haku wins, I will have no choice but to capture you..." he continued, "So...? Do you accept?"

"There's no other choice, is there...? Well then Mei it's up to you now..."

                I nodded, there's no way I'll be losing to this... Haku. "As you wish... Orochimaru-sama."

"Well then... It's settled. Haku, show yourself to your opponent..."

This is going to be fun...


Here's the second chappy!

I know Mei sounds kinda emo-ish... But that's how she is! :P

Please vote and comment! Critisms are gladly accepted!


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