Chapter 3: [Melting Ice: Inside the Darkness]

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Here's the third chapter!

I do not own Naruto!


"--Haku, show yourself to your opponent..."

I grabbed the hilt of my katana and waited for Haku to appear. 'I can sense someone else's chakra...' I thought, glancing around the area. I looked above and saw a boy standing on the branch of a tree. He looked like about my age and had black hair that was pulled up in a bun. 'He looks... familiar...' I shook my head, 'I need to focus!'

Haku jumps down the branch and lands a few feet away from me. He pulls out senbons, standing in a defensive stance. I stared at her. Aren't senbons incapable of killing? I unsheathed my katana, 'This should be easy."


I darted forward, charging at Haku.


I heard the sound of metal clashing together. My arm slightly shook as Haku prevented my blade from doing any damage. "I have no intention of hurting you but if Zabuza orders me to, I will not hesitate in doing so." Haku informs me, forming hand signs with one hand. My eyes widened and jumped away, "Poison Release: Poison Mist Technique!" I shouted, thick amounts of poison surrounding Haku.

"I believe you missed." I internally cursed. Haku appeared behind me and threw more needles. I successfully deflected his attack and threw a barrage of kunai at him which he simply dodged. I smirked, "Got you." Using chakra strings, I pulled back the kunai. Her eyes widened as numerous knives stabbed him in the back. I frowned when he turned into a log, 'Substitution Jutsu...'

I winced as I was stabbed by several needles. My eyes narrowed. I can't feel my arms... He must have hit a vital point... I saw Haku appear before me, "Secret technique: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals..." He's making seals with one hand! Impossible! I looked around as mirrors of ice surrounded me, forming a dome. He stepped in one of the mirrors, causing the dome to be filled with reflections of him.

"You are unable to use both your arms... Your only choice is to admit defeat." Haku said holding a senbon in his hands. I screamed in pain as numerous senbon flew at me causing me to kneel, "N-never..." I will not let Orochimaru-sama down!

I stood up shaking but ended up falling down as more needles were pierced in me. I tried standing up again but failed miserably as another set of senbon were sent flyng towards me. I coughed out blood.

"I-I will n-never lose!" I shouted, feeling a strong surge of chakra within me. My body started to shake as dark chakra covered my entire body.

Third Person

Mei's whole body started to shake. The chakra seeping out of her body was expanding rapidly. Haku had no idea what was going on and tried throwing senbon at the girl but only causes it to melt. He had never felt this much power before.

Orochimaru intently watched the fight as Mei began to thrash about.

Mei started to laugh maniacally. "My clan hated me because I was a monster! A freak! But now I realize! This power is a gift! A tool which can give my desires!-"She started to laugh again, "PAIN!"

Haku knew that he would never defeat her in the state she's in. He jumped out of the ice dome and turned to Zabuza, "I apologize Zabuza... It is almost impossible to defeat her in her condition..." Zabuza scoffed, "Well then... You have proven how well you have become, Haku." Then he turned to Mei, whose chakra is receding from her body. Curiosity evident in his eyes.


I could feel my chakra draining... Little by little my conciousness fades as the dark chakra disappears. I fell forward, exhausted from the overuse of chakra.


I was surprised at the power Mei contained. It was enough to make the kid's ice dome break. I watched Mei fall on the ground, probably from the lack of chakra. I turned to Kabuto, "Kabuto, you carry her." He nodded and walked over to Mei, placing her on his back.

"A deal is a deal. We have wasted too much time... We'll be taking our leave." I said as we left.

I glanced at Mei and licked my lips, 'That ability you possess... It's so powerful...'

Third Person

Two days passed and Mei was confined in her room having a high fever. Orochimaru assigned Kabuto to check on Mei once in a while to aid her, but much to his displeasure, her fever was receding very slowly. Kabuto decided to tun tests on her to see any abnormalities inside her body which Orochimaru agreed to.


"Well this is a surprise." I said holding a clipboard in my hand, "-I better inform Lord Orochimaru... He would be very displeased." Just as I was about to leave Mei's room, Lord Orochimaru walked in,"Well, Kabuto? What's seems to be the problem with her?" He says arms crossed.

"Mei is ill, very ill... It seems that the dark chakra she possesses does fatal damage to her body..." I informed him, "When she unleashes her chakra, it slowly damages her internal organs, burning her insides to be exact. And when used, it causes great strain on her body. This is why she is in a very weak state right now. If she uses that chakra of hers, she will not be able to last long in battle or may even die. I believe there is no possible cure for it." I finished, pushing up my glasses.

"That is a disappointment indeed. Its a shame. I will not be able to use that power of hers. I can't have her as a tool if she dies using that power of hers. And I certainly will not accept having an ill person as an apprentice." Lord Orochimaru says looking at the unconsious child.

"Get rid of her."

Lord Orochimaru walks out the door. I glanced at Mei and smirked. I pulled out a kunai, pointing it at her chest, 'Goodbye Mei.' I drove the kunai to her chest but frowned as she caught my arm. I saw her open her eyes,"Don't even bother killing me...'

My eyes widened as she gripped my wrist very hard. "Agh!" I shouted in pain as she broke my wrist. I fell on the ground clutching my broken wrist.


The wall exploded. Mei was gone. And I was left here cradling my own hand.


I knew it. Its happening all over again.


I ran away, not caring where I was going or where I will end up.

I heard all of it. My illness... My chakra... I was only a tool. Tears welled up as I think about it. It hurts...

I wanted to die. I wanted all of this to end. I had no purpose...

I was alone...


Phew! Third chapter done!

Poor Mei...

What do you think of the fighting scene?? It was my first time writing those so I just wrote what came to my mind... :P

Please vote and comment!!!


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