chapter 5

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"Uwahhh I'm so nervous!!"

"Calm yourself Nanase-san, its not good for your health"

"Huh, i wonder where they are. Audition should be starting an hour ago"

Idolish7, trigger and re:vale are inside the supposed audition room, but nobody shows up even though theie audition should be starting an hour ago. And some of them also become suspicious, they did their performance a  few days ago, so why they have to hold an audition.

(A/N anyone who watched Dream Festival will know this ^v^)

Then one of Sankishi's member, Mikami knock on the door even though its opened.



"Are you gonna be the one that judge the audition?"

"Hm? No I'm not. Actually, no one in the agency will judge you"

"Eh?? Then why are we here?"

"This is a waiting room. Ah it's almost your turn now, follow me"


Even though they are confused, they still follow Mikami-san. As they are following him, the surrounding become very familiar, it somehow looks like the backstage?

True to their suspicion, it is the backstage. Dear dream are now performing a song called, New Star Revolution (A/N i think that's the name?)

"Mikami-san, why are we here? Dear Dream are now performing"

"For your audition"


"I said no one at the agency wll judge you, but the fans"


"Looking at your expression, you sure don't know right?"

The idols nodded.

"Haha, actually our agency's audition are very different from yours. Here, we held and audition for the rookies with the fans as the judges. They will judge how well your performance are and they will vote at our official website of rookies audition whether or not they passed"

(A/N the website is made by me but they did made an audition like a performance)

""It seems like my suspicion are correct""

Both Tenn and Iori said at the same, when they realize it, they glare at each other. The others can only sweatdropped.

"Uwahh!! So cool!"

"But how will we know if we pass?"

"Easy, they will broadcasts it"

"But how about the songs? I don't think you knew our songs, and its our original songs"

"Its fine. I already asked Nikaido to send me the songs"

"Eh? Yamato-san?"

Yamato only shrugged his shoulders, "you never ask"

"They should be finishing now, show them your charms idolish7, trigger and re:vale!!"

""""" Yes!!!""""""

Right at that time, Junya' clear voice sound.

"Minna-san!! Today we have not one, not two but THREE IDOL UNITS that are having an audition today!!"

"Let's invite them to the stage shall we?"

The audiences yelled in agreement.

Then 12 males enter the stage and the audience yelled in high expectation to these males.

"Let see who shall perform first!"

The screen behind them show a spinning wheel with three big and bold question marks on them. The wheel start spinning and it landed on a question mark with blue background. It shows a word of...

"It's Re:vale!!"

Everyone but revale get to the backstage.

"Konichiwa!! We are Re:vale! I am Momo!"

"I am Yuki, and we will be performing our song, No Doubt"

(A/N yeah I'm going to make them perform this. Tbh this is one of my favorites)

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