chapter 6

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Everyone took out their dorikas and put their cards on, a picture of either momo or yuki appear on each of the dorikas. They hold the dorikas to the air and push the button to send them to the idols.

When the the three groups were introduced about dorikas, they are embarrassed, having magically change their clothes on stage. And they even practice how to catch a card.

The cards flew to the middle of the audience and start shooting towards the duo. Both of them caught a card and kiss it.

"Let's have fun,shall we?"-momo

" It is a pleasure to be here"-yuki

Magenta and lime lights surrounded them as their clothes 'magically' turn into a stage clothes.

(A/N lmao I'll just put the video here😂)

After they finish, the audience cheered loudly as they return to tye backstage. Chizuru come out and ask the audience if they tired, in which they yelled "no!!". The spinning wheel spins, and it landed ona  question mark with black background.

" It's TRIGGER!!! Yoshhaaa!! Come out, come out!!"

Once trigger get on stage, Chizuru return to the backstage.

"We are TRIGGER. I am Yaotome Gaku, the leader"

"I am Tsunashi Ryunosuke"

"I am Kujo Tenn, the center. We will trigger you with our song, Secret Night"

Like revale, the audience shot the card towards trigger. The three of them catch one of them and kissed it.

"We will show you our strength!"-gaku

"Let's have a great night"-ryu

"I hope you are ready for us"-tenn

As trigger ended their performance, the audience wildly cheer. This time, it was Kanade that come out.

"This is the last performance of the night! Last but not the least, let me introduce to you, Idolish7!!"

It is now Idolish7 turn. They are burning with excitement as they get on stage, while Kanade return to the backstage.

"I am Nikaido Yamato, leader"

"I'm Izumi Mitsuki! This is my little brother, Izumi Iori!"

"Nice to meet you"

"Yotsuba Tamaki!"

"I am Osaka Sogo, nice to meet you"

"I am Rokuya Nagi~ It's a pleasure to meet you today beautiful ladies!"

"And i am Nanase Riku! The center! We are Idolish7 and we will perform our song, Monster Generation!!"

The cards swarm towards them as they catch one and kissed it.

"please focus on us no matter what happens"-iori

"I will make your dreams come true"-yamato

"we will sing with everything we have!"-mitsuki

"Have fun to your heart content!"-tamaki

"I'll ease your pain with our song"-sogo

"Please listen to our voices"-nagi

"Let us be the one that make you smile"-riku

(A/N wow that's cliché but i need to do this first for tye plot to continue)

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