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Lorenzo Jr Pov

I put my son in his stroller ready to go meet my gf when Micheal comes with Lottie.

Micheal: Lorenzo her dad has found out about her

Me: How

Micheal: I don't know I got this letter and he said he will be coming for her

Me: No he won't, why don't you both come with us

Micheal: Ok

We soon leave only to bump into my ex gf

Ex gf: I need him back

Me: No he is my son

Ex Gf: I gave birth to him

Me: Doesn't mean you have right to him, you gave away your rights when you made me choose between you both

Ex Gf: I will get him back, oh and my brother will get his daughter

Me: You told him

Ex Gf: He has rights

Lola ( My Gf): He has no right just like you both Lottie and Gio are happy babies without you or your brother

Soon Micheals new bf comes and gives him a kiss

Travis: Who is this

Ex Gf: I am the aunt of Lottie and mother of Gio

Travis: No my sister is the aunt of Lottie and mother of gio

Ex Gf: Not biologically

Travis: Blood doesn't matter

She soon storms away. 

Micheal: He can't get her can he

Travis: Baby he can't

Travis is one of my best friends and fell in love with Micheal and Lottie

Micheal: But

Travis: Nope no buts 

Me: Micheal Travis is right, Angelo ( Lotties sperm donor) is a convicted rapist and still in jail and will be for six more years

Micheal: Oh yeah 

We all laugh and just carry on with our day.

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