Chapter 8

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Travis's Pov

We were still looking and as we were Adrian get's a call and soon comes back smiling.

Adrian: He has been rushed into hospital

Me: Michael?

He nodded

Me: They found him

Adrian: He was rushed in with complication with giving birth

Me: Let's go

We rushed to the car and rushed to the hospital and told them who we were and they quickly took us and said the police are in there waiting for Angelo so we need to go somewhere else

Doctor: Is any of you the dad

Me: Me

Doctor: Come with me are you Travis

I nodded

Doctor: Good he has been asking for you

I follow him and see him awake and hooked to machines, I go over to him

Me: Oh thank god you are ok

Michael: I have something to tell you

Me: What is it?

Knowing what it is but we haven't had this moment

Michael: I'm pregnant and it is yours 

Me: Thank you so much I'm going to be a daddy

Doctor: Michael the operation room is ready 

Michael: Can Travis come

Doctor: Of course 

They take him and I follow him and soon we could hear the most beautiful sound ever my baby crying

Doctor: The baby is fine but he will be in the nicu as he is small and just needs more food

Michael: I failed giving my son the one thing he needed

Doctor: By the sounds of it you had no choice so don't blame yourself

We were taken back to his room where the family were waiting wit Lottie.

Lottie: Daddy, Mummmy!!!!

I go over and hug and kiss her

Lottie: That man would let me see Mummy and yelled at me if I didn't call him Daddy

Me: Well you are both home now and Lottie you have a baby brother

Lottie: Bro 

I nodded and took her to Michael where she hugged him and he cried

Adrian: We missed you son 

Gio Sr: We definitaly did 

Michael: Guys we had a son and his name is Hunter 

Lor: I'm so happy

Lorenzo Jr: I'm a uncle again 

Lola: Don't forget a dad again

Lorenzo Jr: Oh yeah Lola is pregnant

Everyone hugged each other and it left us to be a happy family.

A month later

Hunter is healthy and home, Angelo is awaiting trail and me I'm going to ask Michael to marry me wth the help of Hunter and Lottie.

Me: Lottie remember the plan

Lottie: Tell Mummy that Hunter needs changing but you are in the shower drag him into Hunter's room.

I go and wait in the closet until I see Michael read Hunter's grow.

Soon he arrives and as soon as I see him read the shirt I go behind him and go on one knee and waited for him to turn round as soon as he does he hugged me.

Me: Will you marry me?

Michael: Of course I would love to 

We phone everyone up and tell them the big news.

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