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Hi. My name is Inna Rose Kingston. I am five foot five inches with chestnut brown hair and big brown eyes. My birthday is May 9th 2000. I am very thin. People say I kind of look as if Miley Cyrus and Camila Cabello had a baby.

Yeah. I know.

I didn't have the best start in life. My childhood was terrible.

My parents divorced when I was almost 6 years old. My little brother was a few months old. My father fought for us in court so we didn't get put into foster care. He remarried when I was 8 years old. But died for some odd reason when I was 13 and after my Stepmother had her own son with my father. My Stepmother adored my little brothers. But despised me. I became the the one that did everything around the house like cooking and cleaning while keeping up with school.

If that wasn't terrible enough, I was the laughing stock of the school. If you made fun of me, it was like a "get out of being bullied" card.

It sucked. I hated it. I was so depressed, I began thinking about suicide.

Until I decided to create a YouTube Channel under a fake name, In.Kxox.

I'd write music and sing them on my guitar I found at a garage sale. I'd make covers of some of my favorite songs. I did all of this without showing my face. It was videos showing just my hands plucking my very old guitar I found at a garage sale. 

I gained positive attention for once. There were some haters but I didn't let that get to me. Whatever said was nothing new. I loved iy. It was the one thing that I looked forward to everyday.

My Stepmother hated it. She hated seeing me happy. She didn't know why I suddenly was beginning to feel happy. She'd hit me even more than usual because of it. The bruising would show in the videos, which gained attention. I never replied but I'd like the comments which attracted even more attention. 

By the time I was in Senior year of high school, I had 12 million subscribers.

Then suddenly, I got an email one day from Phil McIntyre. He wanted to meet meand I agreed. We came to an agreement at the meeting in a coffee shop and set up another time for me to sign the contract once I come to LA.

After the graduation ceremony of 2018, to which none of my family members came, I had an Uber drive me to the O'Hare airport with my luggage and guitar.

My new life awaits me in LA.

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