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Life. What is the purpose of it?

If you ask someone, anyone, most will give you an nonchalant answer. Something along the lines of 'why are you thinking about that' or 'god stop being so morbid'. Meaning no one truly knows but no one wants to admit it-frantically trying to run and avoid that small locked away volt of anxiety and fear regarding it.

Some would argue it's to feel happiness, to feel love, to experience all the experiences you possibly can, to build memories and enjoy yourself but why would someone, something go through that much effort to create and form such a perfect living atmosphere for humans to exist and then place us here without some form of logically and purposeful reason? And who is that person/thing-what is that person/thing?

Humans have the tendency to develop small scale God complexes and believe that the world, this world, evolves around them and their lives and what they want from life when in reality we're likely just a tiny fragment in comparison. Like little puppets. Perhaps someone is watching us as we want ants. Watching as we all frantically scramble and trampled each other, causing further detestation and loss of life and blaming it on some being no one is definite truly exists.
Humans are truly the most self destructive and dangerous creation on this small planet. All bad and all evil, all those tragedies, they all stem from humans. We have destroyed this planet-the homes of so many other species and creatures with our greed and selfishness. Our needs and our wants are for some reason superior to every other living being put on this planet for the same purpose as us-to live.
Sure we supposedly have a greater level of intelligence than these other creatures but even so, why is our lives-not even our lives our comfort and selfish desires prioritised without question above all other life on this planet?

Humans disgust me.
We don't deserve this planet.

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