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The big unanswered question that keeps me awake at night, where do we go when we fall asleep-what does our brain do? Swim in our heads awaiting our full awakening? Does that same process happen when we die-finally being able to keep us for eternity, sucking us in? Like a permanent hibernation period that we know so little about, just as we aren't aware we've fallen asleep until we wake up again-the only difference being we don't wake up.

We've all experienced nightmares at some point in our life, but what are they? Truly?
A portal to another universe?
A parallel world?
Do we seem through a mirror to what another version of ourselves are enduring?

Why is it widely accepted that nightmares are so normal when we don't truly know precisely what they are? We just accept that these images, these sometimes manipulative, twisting, dehumanising, bizar and realistic mini movies that play in our minds when we sleep, are normal. That they are of no concern.

Those movies that play, so religiously, where do those images, theories, scenarios come from? Are they truly based on what our subconscious thinks about before we sleep or are they something more?

But, where do they come from?

I personally like to imagine that it's a parallel version of us seeing ourselves, seeing a flashback or something that's currently happening to another version of us. As terrifying and scary that is.

I wonder how it would be to be them...

Why? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt