Chapter 9

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When I arrived to Hagrid's hut I found him outside, making some kind of hole in the garden

"Y/N, nice to see you, I didn't expect you this morning"

"Hi Hagrid, yes sorry if I'm interrupting, I just had some things I wanted to ask you" I say crossing my arms, and walking towards the spot he was shoveling.

"Yes of course, why don't we go inside and I make us a cup of tea" he offers, walking towards his front door

"I would like that very much, thanks" I say following him to the brick hut.

As I enter I close the wooden door behind me.

"I presume this has to do with Dumbledores task, am I right fella"

"You know?!" I ask surprised

"Of course I do, Dumbledore tells me everything concerning the students of Hogwarts. That includes you" he replies, leaving the pot on top of the fire.

"About it, do you know anything about the goblet?"

"Pretty much the same as you, sorry to disappoint " he replies sitting on the chair in front of me

"I've looked everywhere, its not here"

"If the professor says it's here, I'm afraid it is" he adds with a reassuring tone "Have you checked the library?"

"Yes, all of its passages"

"Well, have you checked in the books?"

"You're right Hagrid!" I excitedly reply "I must find something about the cup in a book, how didn't I think of that" Hagrid stands up as the kettle starts to boil "Do you mind if we rain check the tea party?" I ask with apologetic eyes.

"Absolutely no problem y/n, I'll stay down here" he replies with his comforting smile

I grabbed my bag and headed to the library.


Goblet, Goblet, goblet

Where would I find something about a goblet. During my search, someone interrumpted me.

"Miss Alton, what brings you here today?" Madam Pince said unexpectedly, making me stumble slightly.

"Oh hello Madam Pince, I'm just looking for a book I need for um, a project" I reply, regaining my posture.

"Yes of course," She said  "just beware the clock, I believe you're in class time already"

I quickly turn to see the clock, my free period was over 5 minutes ago.

"Oh god" I say grabbing my bag I had left at the table near me

I quickly begin to walk in the exits direction when because of the rush, I make one of the books in the shelve beside to fall.

"Shit" I say rather loudly

"Language Miss Alton" I hear Madam Pince advert, still where i had left her. I could swear she really had ears everywhere.

"SORRY" I apologise back, loud enough for her to hear me.

I ran through the corridors, I had Defense against the Dark arts now. It was one of the lessons which we shared with 6th years Slytherins and parallel gryffindors. As during the previous years, this class wasn't really consistent for the year 6 because of the whole Voldemort Drama and no teachers took the role of DADA.  They mentioned a new DADA teacher in the introduction ceremony, he didn't arrive until this week I believe. I'd make a great impression by arriving late.

When I reached the old fashioned door at the end of the hallway in the second floor of the castle I knocked. I was panting and my hair was already messed up, strands of hair covering my sight, laying all over my head.

As for a few moments nobody opened the door I decided to do it myself. When i entered, the whole class turned the heads around to see me. I could feel my cheeks beguin to burn red but decided to fight back and act normal.

"Hi professor, Im y/n Alton, sorry for arriving late, I didn't-" I begin to say panting.

"Don't worry Miss, as long as it doesn't happen again, there is no problem at all, please take a seat next to Mr Nawaro, I was just introducing myself to the class. My name is Remus Lupin and I'll be teaching you defense against the dark arts this year."

This was going to be interesting.

I searched the glass to see the spot where I was instructed to seat. A pair of hazel eyes locked with mine and directed me to my seat. I took out my seat and sat down next to Jacob who already set his attention to the new professor. 

I decided to ignore him too as he did me. Why would I talk to him? He did try to apologise though. 

"Today we will be learning about the spell Legilimens, can anyone tell me its function?" Professor Lupin began

My hands shot up and so did Hermiones. We were the only ones in the class who seemed to know the answer.

I was eager to redeem myself to the professor, so I wanted to be the one who answered.

While I raised my arm quickly I noticed that Jacob scoffed.

"What?" I ask, not realizing I had lowered my hand when asking.

"Yes, girl with the chestnut hairs" Lupin said, meaning Hermione

I huffed and aggresivly leaned back on my chair. Jacob saw and burst a chuckle.

"Fuck you Jacob, "

"What did I do?"

"I was about the get an opportunity to answer"

"You do know that there will be many questions more"

"They are not as important as the first one asked." I reply "asshole"

"You're cute when you get angry" he teases

"oh really, why thank you" I say sarcasticly, annoyed. "I thought you were mad at me or more precisely don't give a fuck about me" I quote, leaving him without anything to say.

"Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practices this art is known as a Legilimens. Muggles might call this "mind-reading," but practitioners disdain the term as naive." Hermione states confidently and I place my head between my hands in the table.

The class continued normally, individual research and text books.

I was halfway through the work when I noticed that Jacob was missing, then I saw him coming, tired from the bookshelf . I look at him and turn back to my work.

"There are no books left" he tells me, I don't reply

"There are no textbooks left, y/n" he repeats

"I heard you the first time" I reply, still writing in my notebook.

"Can I share yours?" he asks

"We are more than halfway through the lesson and you've just realized there are not enough books for all three groups in this classroom?" I say, turning back to see him still standing up.

"Sorry? Please lets share, I wont disturb you"


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