Chapter 17

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"Dont tell me you didnt love every second of it"

(The night of the party)

I was already out of the shower when Bronwyn started yelling at me from the outside. 

"Y/n are you done!"

"Bronwyn if you ask me that one more time I swear I'm never coming out!" I reply

"But are you?"

"Give me a fucking minute" I say putting my damp hair into a towel for it to dry while I put my dress on.

She was almost ready too, I just needed to do completely everything that came after the shower.

With my underwear and half of my dress on I opened the door, 

"Can you help me sip up?"

"Of course"

She walked up to me and sipped up my dress. With at least our dresses on we walked to the mirror.

"These are totally worth fifty five galleons"


"My mom's going to kill me though"

"Don't even say, my grandmother will probably think I got kidnapped and had to pay the kidnappeer when I tell her I used 30 galleons" 

"That is so true"

I put some extra make up on, I wanted to look really good tonight. I havent been to much parties. Well actually maybe I have, but everyone at Hogwarts knows that the best parties are the ones thrown by Slytherins. I didnt care that Jacob was going, he wanted to get on my nerves a few hours ago but I was simply going to demonstrate that I did not care. I put some black heels on that challenged my balance but looked gorgeous.

Standing in front of the mirror I gained confidence, looking at how the silhouette of the navy dress highlighted every inch of my body. My body had definitely change over the summer, it wasnt so straight as last year.  The dress  was pretty short too, a bit too short? Damn maybe I had to rethink this. Should I?

Fuck no, I bought a 30 galleon dress and I was goint to show it off.

"Y/n what the fuck" Bronwyn said

"What?" I asked

"You look so fucking hot" 

"We both do" I reassured her

"You've always been freaking hot but when the fuck did you get so sexy" she continued to flatter

"Shut up or you're making me blush" I laugh

"I think you want to make someone jelous" she teased

"Huh, me? who?" I asked not very convincing

"Some guy named Nawaro" she sang

"Dont know him" I sarcasticly reply

"Yeah sure, whatever, I'm on your side, show him what he's missing" Bronwyn supports

"Come on lets go"

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. 

"I'll open" I say

I went towards the door and grabbed the handle to open. Behind the door was Luca, also dressed up party-fancy, he looked pretty hot to be honest. He was wearing a white shirt that hugged his slim torso as well as his platinum blond hair messed up. 

"Hey senoritas, you coming?" He greeted after standing in front of us for some seconds.

"Oh hi Luca we were just leaving to the party" I say with a smile, heading towards my vanity dresser to grab a pair of ear rings. I was flattered after noticing Luca had not set his eyes of me.

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