Football Game (Grayson)

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        You went to pretty much all of your high school's football games, so obviously you were going to go to the game tonight. It was a big game since your school was playing their rivals. You invited your friend over to get ready with you. School hadn't been going on for too long, so it was still pretty warm out. The game was a black out, and you had no idea what to wear. You eventually decided on leggings, but didn't know what shirt. You texted one of your friends and asked for help.

To : y/f/n

hey, could you help a girl out and bring me some black clothes?😂 the game's a blackout btw.

From: y/f/n

sure lmao. i'll make sure u look gooooodd ;)

Oh god, what is she gonna do to me, you thought to yourself. You just shook it off and continued straightening your hair for the game. Not like you needed to impress anyone, but it wouldn't hurt to look good. You unlocked your phone and checked the time. 5:04 p.m. The game didn't start until 6 so you still had a good amount of time. You take a glance at your home screen picture, the Dolan twins, and sigh. They're so hot its unfair, you said to yourself before your thoughts were interrupted.


You run to the front door to see your friend, y/f/n, at your door.

"HEY GIRLL!" says y/f/n.

"Hey, do you have my shirt?" you ask trying not to be overly annoying.

"Yup, right here," she answers and hands you a bag with a smirk on her face.

"Umm, ok, let me go get this on, be right back," you say going to your room.

You decide to wear black leggings and a black bandeau. You put on the shirt that y/f/n gave you. Immediately, you understand why she was giving you the look.

"Y/F/N!! A CROP TOP?? REALLY?" you shriek at her while running out of your room.

"Come on!! You look amazing! It's not even bad, it fits you perfectly!" she says to you.

You look in the mirror and feel a little more confident than before, but still felt a bit slutty. You knew y/f/n wasn't going to back down, so you just went with it.

"Ugh, whatever. I'm trusting you here so if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming it all on you."

"Yayy!!" she says clapping her hands.

After doing eachothers makeup and finishing getting ready, you check your phone again. 5:45. You and y/f/n take a glance in the mirror, "Go time," you say.

Once you get to the game, it had already started, and it is even more crowded than you expected it to be. Basically everyone from your school is there along with TONS of kids from the other school. You make your way to the bleachers with some of your other friends.

"Oh my god, its so crowded here!!" you tell y/f/n. As soon as you get comfortable, you hear the words on the speaker. "TOUCHDOWN!!" everyone from your school gets up and starts cheering. You cheer along and look over at the other team's side to see how they reacted, but your eyes stopped when you saw it. Him. HE WAS HERE.

"OH. MY. GOD." you screamed.

"What?? Are you ok y/n?" y/f/n asks you.


"Woah woah woah! Calm yourself down. I am so gonna get you over there, don't worry. Let's go right now." y/f/n helpfully said to you.

"Oh my god thank you so much. I probably look like shit and I'm freaking out... what do I do?" you frantically yelled.

"Hey! You look great, it's ok." she laughed. You were going to be cool about this. If you sounded like a completely crazy fan he probably wouldn't want to talk to you again, but you couldn't stop freaking out. You wanted to make a good impression but had no idea what to do.

"Don't overthink it. Just go up there and see what happens." y/f/n said to you. You realized that you had reached the other bleachers after all of this thinking. Ok, lets do this, you thought to yourself. You began to walk up to where he was. Your heart was beating a mile a minute and you were thinking about all of the things that could happen, but on the outside you hoped you looked normal. You snapped out of your trance and looked up to see the Grayson Dolan looking at you. You smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey, oh my gosh, your Grayson Dolan!!" you said trying not to seem too crazy.

"Yeah," he laughed, "and what's your name?" he asked you. You had so many butterflies in your stomach and was lost just looking at him.

"Y/n," you answered, "could we take a picture?" you asked him hopefully.

"Of course! Let's go somewhere where there's more room." Grayson answered. You led him near the snack stand where there was actually room to stand. You called over your friend to take the picture. You put your arms around him as he put his arm around you. You were freaking out inside and smiled from ear to ear.

"Thank you soso much!" you told him after you took it.

"No problem! Do you guys wanna come sit with me? The game doesn't look to good for my school," he said with a laugh. You hadn't even been paying attention to the score and realized it was 28-7. But Grayson asked you to hang out!! Who really watches the game anyway.😂

"Of course!! Do you want anything to eat?" you asked him.

"No thanks, I'm good. I'll save us seats in the stands," he said. That left you and y/f/n in line with eachother.


"OMG!! Hey, you really like him right?" y/f/n asks you.

"Yeah obviously😂," you reply.

"I'll leave you alone then. I don't wanna get in the way. I know if you got in the way of someone I like, I wouldn't be happy," she said.

"You're seriously the best," you say while hugging her.

"I know I know, I'll go back over there. Text me and let me know what happens," she says with a wink. You ordered yourself some chips and headed back to Grayson. He had saved you a seat and he waved you over to him. You spent the rest of the game getting to know eachother. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all and you both had a great time. Finally, the game was over. Well, there goes that, you thought to yourself, but then Grayson spoke up. 

"Hey, we should talk again sometime! Whats your number?" he asked you. OMGOMGOMG he just freaking asked for my number!! you thought. You gave him your number and was ready say your goodbyes, but he pulled you into a nice hug.

"I had a great time. See you again sometime?" he said.

"Yeah, of course!! Me too," you said with a smile.

"Bye!" he said, and you went off your seperate ways. When you turn back, you see y/f/n standing there with a shocked look on her face.

"OMG Y/N. HE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!! So tell me everything," y/f/n excitedly said to you. You went on to tell her everything that happened with a huge smile on your face. But little did you know that Grayson Dolan would eventually become your best friend and boyfriend in the future.


sorry this is so long lmao!! but this literally took me the whole day to write so hopefully you like it! if you have any requests just let me know and ill do them! they prob all wont be long stories like this but its my first one so hey😂 enjoy!

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