First Kiss

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        You and Grayson had just been on your second date. You liked him a lot, and hoped that he felt the same way. You date was at the movie theatre, which wasn't too far from your house. Grayson rode his longboard there and gave you Ethan's to use. You had never rode a longboard before, so you were a bit shaky. Grayson showed you how to do it on the way there, so that made you feel a little bit better. You were leaving the movies and had just gotten back on the boards.

"y/n, I had a really good time tonight," Grayson said.

"So did I," you smiled, "I've never been on a date quite like this one," you said with a giggle. You take a quick glance at Grayson's breathtaking face, admiring his features. But once you looked up, you could not see where you were going. You began to lose balance and soon felt your hands scrape against the concrete.

"Oh my gosh, y/n! Are you okay? I'm so dumb, I should never have brought these longboards! Especially since-" you cut him off before he could say anymore.

"Grayson, it's fine. I'm okay! My hands and knees just got a little scraped up.." you said looking at him once more.

"It's still my fault though. Hmm.. how can I make it up to you.." he said, thinking. "Oh, I have a great idea!" he said to you with a smirk. Immediatly you felt your legs be lifted off the ground.

"Carrying me home?" you said, smiling at him.

"Yup," he proudly announced.

The rest of the walk home was sadly not that long. You spent it talking and enjoying each other's company. Once you had arrived at your house, he set you down and walked you up to the front porch.

"Do you really have to gooo" you said while pouting your lip.

"Yeah, and stop, you look cute when you do that," he exclaimed.

"Ugh, fine. And don't worry about what happened before, I promise I'm fine and its not-" you were cut off by Grayson crashing his lips onto yours. You were a bit shocked at first, but of course accepted and kissed back. Eventually you pulled away with a smile on your face from ear to ear.

"See you again sometime soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, definately! Especially after that," you laughed with a slight smirk.



        Today, Ethan had asked you out on a date to the beach. You guys were always good friends, but you knew that somewhere you had some feelings for him, and hoped that he felt the same way. You had on your coral bandeau with a muscle tee overtop. Ethan arrived to pick you up, and you were soon on the way to the beach. 

"Heyyyyy," you say as you hop in the car.

"What's up cutie," Ethan says with a wink. You shake your head and grab the aux cord before he can get it. You blast your favorite song, Where Are Ü Now by Justin Bieber. Ethan seemed to like it too, you could tell by his singing and dancing (which you caught on video by the way.) During the car ride, you jammed out to music and talked together. You finally arrived at the beach where you set up your towel for you and Ethan to sit on. As soon as you took off your t-shirt, you felt Ethan lift you off of the ground. 

"Ethan!!!" you screamed while cracking up. One you reached the water, he pulled you under with him, getting you soaked from head to toe.

"Oh, I am so getting you back for this somehow," you said to him.

"Try me, it's on," he replied, smiling. While you and Ethan were having fun in the ocean, the whole time you were thinking of a way to get him back. You look to the side and see an enormous wave coming towards you. 

"Hey, Ethan, watch out!" you say jumping on top of him, making him unable to escape the gigantic wave. You are tumbled around under the water, now feeling bad about what you had done. You emerge from the water together, and you have a scared look on your face.

"Oh, your good," Ethan said. You look into his eyes, while he grabs your waist and pulls you close to him. He begins to lean in, and you do the same. You swing your arms around his neck and feel his lips collide with yours. The feeling is amazing, like nothing you have ever felt before. Sparks shoot throught your body as you smile through the kiss. Eventually you pull away, and look at Ethan's breathtaking face again.

"I guess you're pretty good too," you say with a huge smile on your face.


i hoped you enjoy this part bc i know i loved writing it! but anyway TYSM for 1.1k reads!! i never even thought i was the least bit good at writing so i really appreciate it! ily all! if you have any requests comment them and ill try me best to upload then asap!❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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