Chapter 3

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The weekend feels longer than two days because I'm spending it alone, and have been since I had to drop Garrett off in prison a month ago. I'm fully anticipating another weekend in my dingy little apartment where the television doesn't work and the faucet has a dripping problem that my landlord said he would fix weeks ago.

But then my phone rings. It's not a number that I recognize, and my caller ID doesn't recognise it either. Normally I wouldn't pick up, it's usually just spam calls that ramp up my phone bill but since I have nothing else to do, I pick up.

"Hey, Brooke!" It's Jacob. I'm surprised to hear his voice on the other end of the line, but it's not a bad thing.

"Jacob?" I ask, pretending not to know who it is.

"Yeah, it's me. Listen, I know it's the weekend and you're not technically working today but I'm meeting with a few people, trying to network, make connections and all that. I need someone to take Mikey out for a couple of hours while they're here."

"Um, i don't know, Mr. Cohen--"


"Okay, Jacob. I don't really know if I can--"

"I'll pay double. C'mon, Darla isn't here right now and I don't want to introduce another person for Mikey to get used to. Plus, it'll be good bonding time for you and him."

I know that I shouldn't spend more time than I need looking after the son of a married man that I'm somewhat attracted to but the double pay is tempting. Plus, it's bonding time. That's all it is, me bonding with the kid I'm going to be babysitting for the foreseeable future. And it'll get my mind off of Garrett and give me something to do other than spend a perfectly good Sunday in my apartment alone.


When I get to the house, I ring the doorbell even though Jacob gave me a key when I got the job. I don't have to wait too long before someone answers. It's Jacob. And he's naked. No, not naked. Shirtless. He's wearing a bathing suit but my eyes immediately go to his chest. He's ripped. He might be closer to my dad's age than to mine, but he's got the body of a twenty year old gym rat. I try not to gawk and thankfully he's too preoccupied with meeting his potential partners than with me staring at him.

"Come in, come in." He says. "We're going to be outside most of the time in the pool but I think it would be best if i didn't have to take care of a three year old while i'm trying to work."

"I guessed that was the reason."

"Smart girl." The way he says it makes me shudder and I have to force every muscle in my body not to twitch. I wish it wasn't Mikey and I who were going to be alone today and instead him and I. I shake the thought out of my head. I can't think like that. He seems happily married and he definitely doesn't feel the same way.

He leads me to Mikey and I take his hand, walking him out the door. This time he's going to be riding in the public city bus instead of his dad's Mercedes, but he's three and hasn't been anywhere in a while so it doesn't sound like he cares all that much.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"I don't know." Mikey tells me, quiet.

"What about McDonalds? Have you ever been to McDonalds?"


"Oh. What about Wendys? Or Burger King?"


Have the Cohens never taken their son to a fast food restaurant before? I got a long document detailing all the things that he was allergic to, all the things he couldn't do or eat and chicken nuggets weren't on that list so i'm taking this kid straight to the nearest McDonalds.

We ride the bus and I try my best to keep him away from weirdos and perverts during the trip.

When we get to McDonalds I keep him by my side as I wait in line. He doesn't really know how anything tastes so I get us both happy meals because it's the cheapest thing on the menu and he can keep both of the toys that come in them.

We're both halfway through our happy meals when I spot none other than his mother, Mrs. Cohen. It's Mikey who runs up to her, hugging her leg and drawing her attention to us. She looks embarrassed but eventually comes over to our table after the girl at the counter takes her order.

"Hey, I didn't think that I'd see you here." I say.

"Me neither. I work around here and this is the closest burger place I could find." She says. "Well, actually that's not true. Don't tell Jake but I really like their fries, best in the world."

"Don't worry, I won't." I say, taking a sip of the chocolate milk in the happy meal. "Oh, this was the cheapest thing on the menu."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone either." She says smiling. "Jakey's really particular about this kind of stuff. He likes keeping in shape, eating healthy and exercising all the time, you know what I mean?" Considering what I saw of him at the house earlier I definitely know what she means, but I don't say that. "If I show up with any sort of fast food, he'll break his diet and won't be able to stop."

"Good to know. I'll just say we stopped at a salad bar for lunch then."

She laughs as the girl at the counter calls out an order.

"That's mine. I have to head back to work soon, but I'll see you around, Brooke." She kisses Mikey on the head and heads to the counter for her order, but turns back after picking it up. "You know what? I can bring Mikey with me. It's just paperwork today and I could use some extra time with my son."

"You're sure? I know you're busy and all and--"

"Yeah, I'm definitely sure. You know what? Just stop by the house and tell Jake that I've got him and to pay you in full. Take the rest of the day off."

Jesus, this woman is way too nice. I can't find a single thing wrong with her or Jacob and it makes me feel even worse for being attracted to her husband. I can't do that to her. I'm just going to get my pay and then I'm going to go out clubbing and find some random guy to get my mind off of him.

She takes Mikey and leaves and I'm left in this McDonalds eating a happy meal by myself thirsting over the best mom in the world's husband.

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