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Unofficial Chapter 1! Welcome everyone who's clicked on this book to my collection of what could be considered Oneshots though most are probably gonna be Multishots. Each chapter will be a minimum of 1k words so that you have maximum content to enjoy!

Ships if any will be specified at the beginning of the chapter/any additional warnings

Chapter Icons:

_ Angsty
_* Probably character death or in-depth fighting, /gruesome/
= NSFW work
+ Just Fluff


-  School AU [1/?]

- School AU [2/?]

_Casino Memories [1/?]

-Hibernation [1/?]

Extra lil notes about requests and such:

I won't ship problematic things nor write problematic things, and also won't write any pairings in SBI as character wise they're more like siblings. As specified in the description of the book, these aren't really the Content Creators (CCs) they are the characters so the ones that aren't humanoid won't be humanoid/be depictions of the CCs. Dreams are all going to be smiley face wearing fools, Technos are half human half piglin hybrids with the pink long hair get up, and Ranboos are always half endermen with the cool half and half style, that sorta thing.

Feel free to correct me on anything/comment on spelling mistakes, ideas, or whatever you're thinking. If you think a chapter is a little too angsty or is undeserving of it's mark/needs to be removes or altered, let me know and I'll get on that immediately.

-Cover work is drawneth by me-

Collection of Dream SMP OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now