-School AU

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-Tubbo is the new kid on the block, going to a new high school in the middle of the year when the dream team + techno pick him up and take him under their collective wing, but at the cost of being able to be himself thanks to a hidden hierarchy. 

Ships Mentioned: N/A 
Warnings: N/A

A new school year, a new school for a small brunette with a fascination for bees. Tubbo had always been one to move around, often having a new school and a new set of friends from when he was younger, but this move was a much bigger deal for him. This was to be his forever town according to his parents, and on top of that, it was the start of high school. He wanted to fit in, wanted to make lots of friends, but his slightly shy and overly innocent nature could often make it hard for him to simply blend in to a towns normal.

He was ready for this year though, he had on his favorite pair of overalls, a print of a little bee on each pocket, and a nice button up in the color of pine green. He was all smiles as he walked into the building for the very first time, the halls lined with red and white lockers, the flooring comprised of white and slightly marbled tiling. He held a blue backpack, hands gripping the stripes with his head held high, and sure it was the first day for his school year but not for those at the school, they were already a quarter into the thick of it.

He was having trouble finding his locker, having taken out a little folded piece of paper with all the info he needed on it. He hadn't bothered to figure out the layout of the school but it wasn't a big deal, he could just ask the friendliest person he could find, maybe an upperclassman who would be knowledgeable about everything. Tubbo's eyes scan around looking for who he could ask, eventually settling on a friendly looking guy in a green hoodie, his face scattered with freckles and a warm smile adorned his face as he laughed. Surely someone who looked like that would be nice enough to show him where his locker was!

The younger walks over to the larger teen, gently tapping the man as he gripped the paper in his hand, cursing himself mentally for his quiet voice as he asks, "Hi, um, I'm new here, I was wondering you happened to know where the lockers in the 200 range were? I'm Tubbo by the way." He gave the dusty blonde man a small smile, watching as his expression morphed from annoyed confusion to pleasant understanding.

"New kid huh? Yeah, I can help you find your locker, no problem!" The man tells him as Tubbo's ushered down the hall, a guy in a blue shirt lagging a little behind, "So, first day here?"

Tubbo gave a little nod, an excited smile coming across his face, "Yeah! First day of high school and I'm really excited! Nervous.. but excited."

"Ah, as you should be! This is a great school, Turbo-"

"Tubbo," The younger corrected with a smile.

"Tubbo, right, I'll remember that. It's good to be a little nervous for your first day, everyone is. High school is a vicious place, full of gossip and competition but.. you can hang out with me and George if you'd like."

"Really?!" Tubbo exclaims excited as they walk up some stairs, glancing back at the man in a blue shirt with a giddy smile.

"Yeah, we like to help newbies out, help them fit in, you know?"

"Wow, that sounds amazing! Well, thank you!"

The blonde simple chuckles, gesturing to a row of white lockers, "This is where your locker's gonna be. What's your first class?"

"Um.. uh.. English." Tubbo replies as he eyes the lockers, finally finding his, stuffing his backpack into the locker once he figured out how the locks worked. Things were going well, though he was still a but nervous, the mentioned George guy hadn't talked to him yet and that made him wonder if he was being a bother. Thankfully he didn't have to ponder much longer, taking a text book out of his locker as the man in the blue shirt finally spoke up.

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