The First Encounter

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"Well, that should be all of it." A voice spoke. I turn around to see Peace standing by my new doorway with a box full of my clothing.

"Thanks" I sigh out. "You're a real lifesaver you know"

"It's nothing really." Another voice from the hall calls out.

"Hey Harmony, it's not nice to eavesdrop you know" Peace whined out to her sister. Coming into the doorways view Harmony sets down another box.

"You know I consider you lucky" she speaks out to seemingly no one then continues. " you don't have to move boxes. you just get to sit there and wait on the bed" oh that's who she taking to I glance over at the bed where Mary sits. I wasn't sure if she would get mad at this comment but knowing her she probably won't. As I predicted I hear Mary chuckle out.

" ha, What you wish you had gotten into a car crash at a young age and ended out blind " she spoke in a joking manner. Out of all of us, Mary was the nicest, even though she was blind she wasn't helpless. Honestly she never really complained about it. See in this world almost everyone has superpowers. About the 10% that don't still have a chance of developing something. The number of people who don't have power just keeps going down. See in this world people can train to become heroes. Why do we need heroes you may be asking. Well, let's just say that when the first people to get powers showed up people were interested, to say the least. When more people started getting them so did the bad people of the world. They started Robbing and stealing from all kinds of places and for a while, no one was safe, But people rose to defend the people. those people are our greatest heroes. Schools were open to teach the younger generation how to become heroes. I've been at this school for a few years now. Once you turn 16 as long you have your school permission you can get your hero's license. When you do that you can choose whether or not to set off to become a hero and do school or just stay in school. If your younger then your not really able to do much. It can be really boring expressly when you move up a grade or two.

"Hey, I never said that" Harmony's voice rings out breaking me from my thoughts. Right the dorm. "I always forget that your blind" Harmonay mutters out. I snicker out.

" How do you forget that someones blind?" I half laugh out.

" Well... I... You know with her powers she able to do basically everything on her own and sh-she" Harmonay stutters out. Most likely embarrassed because she had somehow managed to forget that one of her closest friends was blind. Her cat ears perched weirdly well her tail curled behind her in frustration and embracement. In this world, there can be two types of powers to have. Mutations and non Mutations. You could have both and it's not unseen to have both but it's considered rare. See Harmony and Peace are twin sisters Both with a cat-based power. They both Have a set of ears and a tail placed on the lower back. Well, power-wise they can pretty much do everything a cat can do as well as use the power called cat claws. Cat claws Allow the user to summon a sort of holographic-looking glove on their hand. That looks like a big claw, But depending on the girl it can be pink for Peace or Purple for Harmony. They are always telling me that they had a big sister with there same power but stronger. In this world people with a power that mutates how that look who also have a more normal power is considered rare and most times don't have the best living conditions. they also have higher chances of getting kidnapped. Well, other mutates live better it is still an undeniable fact that most mutates in our society don't live well.

"Harmony it's fine I'm not mad at you. I found it kind of funny too" pulling me out of my thoughts once more as Mary speaks. "Anyway, we should start unpacking your stuff and setting up your side of the dorm right Bunny?" I hear mary ask well turning herself in my general direction. I turn to her as well.

"Yeah we should" Peace picking up the box that she had set down somewhere along the way walked in and started the unpacking process well harmony grown out about not wanting to. for the next hour or so we un-packed Mary would talk to us about random stuff and how she excided for the new school year. When we finally finished I took out my uniform and hung it next to my bed. Mary had gone to sleep a bit ago and Now I was saying my goodbyes to Peace and Harmony. They wished me goodnight and headed off to their dorm room.

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