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Portland, oregon 1993

It was a stormy night when Maddison was born, thunder and lightning were being supported by heavy rain. Outside the hospital you could only hear the crazy storm going on. It wasn’t common for thunderstorms to occur but on this night they had one. While the family was excited for a new witch to add to the family what they weren't expecting was a siphoner, an abomination. 

While all the family was furious but one, there was finally somebody like him, another ‘abomination’ as the rest would put it. As easily that somebody like him came they were taken, put for adoption. To say that he was sad was an understatement, he was ragged. Someone would understand him for once, someone would also get tortured with him, together they would create a sister and brother bond. 

They hoped that the ‘abomination’ they created would not remember them, and never see them again when she was a baby they hoped for signs of good magic but by the age of three she had gotten mad and used her powers to siphon from jo, so the easiest thing was to give her away. 

They gave her to the gilbert family in Mystic Falls, virginia where nothing could go wrong. Right? Wrong.

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