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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING (mentions of assault)

The next day I woke up at 9 like I was supposed to and went to the infirmary. A man was standing in the room and I froze in the doorway. I knew it wasn't the same man who assaulted me, but in that moment I swore it could've been.

"Good morning Miss. Mr. Stark told me you needed a cast could I take a look?" The doctor asks and I look back down the hallway to find somebody, anybody.

"Uh. Where's Tony right now?" I ask and don't get close to the doctor.

"He didn't say. A blonde man let me in and checked all of my belongings then let me through. Are you alright? Maybe I could help you sit down." The man said and steps toward me.

I freak out and push him against the wall. I pin his arm behind him and slam his head.

"Help! Somebody!" I shout and keep him restrained.

Bucky ran down the hallway and saw me with the man.

"It's the man, Bucky! How did he get in here?" I shout not letting go of the doctor.

Bucky took one look at us and pulled me back. I looked at him with fear in my eyes, then it hits me. The man who hurt me is dead this is just a random doctor.

"Don't tell anyone." I whisper and back away from Bucky.

"Okay." He says and we look at the doctor who is very confused. "She was attacked a while ago by a doctor, she didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's alright. No harm done. Sounds to me like you have post traumatic stress disorder." The doctor said and walks back into the infirmary.

"Stay with me please." I say to Bucky and he nods then walks into the infirmary and sits down.

"I'm Dr. Hodges. I'm just going to fix up your arm." He says as I sit on the bed.

I look at Bucky who nods at me so I turn back to the doctor and nod. I don't think I have PTSD, but before Bucky came this man looked the same as the one who assaulted me, but now, he looks nothing like him.

Dr. Hodges gently takes my brace off and starts to cast my arm. The whole time I'm watching him to make sure he's not doing anything bad and every now and then I glance at Bucky, who looks worried for me.

"I'm really sorry, Dr. Hodges." I say while he's working on my arm.

"It's alright. Would you like some advice?" He asks and I nod. "You need to talk about what happened to you, to anyone you want. It's better to let it out."

I look away and realize that I haven't really talked about what happened to me. I cried but I didn't explain how much it hurt me.

"If you're seeing this man in other people, that means you should probably find somebody soon, so it doesn't get worse." He adds and I look at him.

"What does it mean if I can feel hands on me when no one is around?" I ask and Bucky looks at me with that sad face he makes.

"That's a part of PTSD as well. I'm not that kind of doctor, so I can't give you professional advice, but all I know is you need to find someone." The doctor says and I look down with tears in my eyes.

When Dr. Hodges finished up, he began to clean the area of his things. I can't help but stare at the floor and think about how often I see that man. When I lay in bed I can feel his hands on me.

"I'll come back in a few weeks to take the cast off and do more X-rays. If it's better you will wear a brace again, but if not we will cast it again." The doctor says and smiles at me.

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