Chapter 6 | Picnics and Potatoes

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PEELING OFF MY WET HOODIE, I hung it on the hook on the back of the door before stepping in the warm spray of the shower. I rubbed my scalp with the tips of my fingers, massaging the fragrant shampoo into my hair and humming under my breath as the water washed it all away.

After I finished, I wrapped my hair in a fluffy white towel and my body in one too. Stepping outside, I headed for my cupboard, rifling through the variety of clothes.

"You should wear this."

I nearly jumped out of my skin as Henry smirked at me, leaning against the door, holding out a grey coat, a white shirt, jeans and combat boots.

Wordlessly I took them from him. "Where did you even get these clothes from? I know I don't own them."

He waved a hand dismissively. "I had to do a lot of digging. Have you ever even cleaned your closet?"

Rolling my eyes, I pointed to the door. "Get out."

After a quick bow, he did, leaving me to wonder exactly how he got in with the door locked.

==== ☠ ====

Henry, Isaac and I were going somewhere.

Apparently, since it was a rainy day, Henry wanted to go somewhere. I didn't mind that. I just minded that he wasn't telling me where we were going. I had seen the enormous picnic basket, so we were going to have a picnic. With a lot of food.

It had taken a lot of convincing for Isaac to come with us. Who only agreed if Mendoza was there, and when I teased him about liking her he said, and I quote, 'I don't want to be surrounded with complete idiots.'

And I said something along the lines of, 'Wow you don't think she's an idiot! High praise from you, brother.'

Then Isaac turned red, and I dropped the conversation since my favourite song came on the radio.

Henry parked the car in front of Mendoza's driveway, while I texted her to come outside. She did a second later, her curly red hair loose and her brown eyes were doll-like with winged eyeliner and light pink gloss.

I carefully scrutinised Isaac's expression and held in the temptation to snigger or wolf-whistle. God the boy looked like he was staring at *insert prettiest person name here*. He blinked rapidly, his mouth agape as he stared at her cropped green sweatshirt that displayed her tanned stomach and ripped jeans with fishnets.

Mendoza opened the door and slid into the back seat. Turning my head to look at her, I smirked, knowing exactly what she was doing.

"No," Isaac's voice was firm, "No way you are going out like that. Go change."

"You're not my boyfriend."

"From the way, he's looking at you," Henry interjected, a sly grin plastered across his face, "I'm sure he wants to be."

Mendoza turned the colour of her hair, while I choked and Isaac shot a dirty look at Henry, who shrugged innocently—even though he was the opposite of it—and started the car, driving us into the unknown—since I had absolutely no idea where we were going.

==== ☠ ====

"Oof," I complained as I tripped over something I couldn't see.

I could feel Henry's grin. "Sorry." He didn't sound sorry at all. I resisted the urge to peel away his fingers from my eyes.

Henry and Isaac had insisted on it. I tried not to grin at the image of Isaac covering Mendoza's eyes and moved my feet so I could move away from the branch that had hit me in the face.

Before You Go (Book 1, the Before series)Where stories live. Discover now