The Winged Horse

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That's when Johanna realized that they'd have to ride horses to their destination. This both excited and disappointed her in a way. Hiking would've been worse but riding horses wasn't an easy task. Some horses were ill-tempered and slight fears that she may get kicked or bucked off the back of one ran through her mind for a moment. At times Johanna couldn't help but think of the worst thing that could happen just in case it did so she wouldn't be surprised when it did. And this was one of those instances. She should've been more excited to go horseback riding... but she wasn't.

"Absolutely! Here's the parking fee-" Nan started to hand Floyd a bit of money and he shook his head proudly when she did,

"That won't be necessary Eadie. I couldn't take money from such a beautiful lady... that would just be a crime."

Hearing the nickname Eadie that he had given her and the refusal to take her money made Johanna realize that Floyd must've known her Nan for a very long time. The blush on her Nans cheeks might've said there was more to their tale than a simple friendship. But that was also something Johanna didn't want to think about too much.

"Oh! This is my daughter Rose and my granddaughter Johanna." Nan said embarrassed as if she'd almost forgotten they were there and tipping his hat to them, he reached out his hand and shook theirs politely.

"It's very nice to meet you both."

Walking the three out by the pasture, Johanna saw what looked to be a dairy cow, but with pastel pink colored fur where the white should've been and Floyd's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"Oh! That there's Shortcake, our strawberry cow."

"Strawberry cow?" Johanna repeated, intrigued by the name and nodding his head Floyd explained,

"She's a magic cow. Her breed has been fed strawberries for so many centuries that they produce straight strawberry milk. She's awful gentle too..."

Looking around the yard, Floyd then pointed out what looked to be a rooster at first glance. As it turned to look at Johanna and her mom, she gasped when she realized it had two heads instead of one.

"That's Lance and Cooper. They're a bit feisty, especially in the mornings."

Cawing like a normal rooster would, flames suddenly shot from out of its two mouths and Johanna couldn't help but awe in amazement. She'd never seen farm animals like this before. Finally reaching the stables, Johanna looked at the horses that were in their own little stalls and thought about which one she'd want to ride.

"Here they are. Pick which one you'd like to ride."

Rose looked at the many horses and then went to a caramel colored horse with white spots, reminding Johanna of a candy she'd once eaten when she was younger. Nan immediately went to a horse she'd already had her eyes on, a black and white horse with fur that looked like pom poms around its ankles. Johanna couldn't decide which horse she wanted to ride, until she locked eyes with one that was staring her dead in the eye. Excitedly, it reared its front legs and whinnied from where its pen was and eyes widening with surprise Floyd remarked,

"Oh! I think she likes you!"

Leading the shimmery white mare from behind the gate cautiously, the horse's eyes sparkled with delight when it approached Johanna.

"This is Artemis. She's the toughest filly we have. Awfully stubborn, but she seems to like you."

As the horse stared down at Johanna, it kneeled one leg down as if it were doing a courtesy and then bowed its head gracefully.

"They only ever act this way when they take a liking to you."

After securing saddles onto the horses backs, Johanna was helped up onto Artemis's back and holding onto the reins, Floyd told them,

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