The Platform

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Johanna was being dropped off at Platform 9 and ¾ for the second year in a row, this time only by her mother because her Nan was still in the states at the Greenriver Festival. Seeing Emma across the way surrounded by fake adoring friends gave her dejavu from the year before and suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, making her jump,


Whipping around to see who it was, Johanna smiled and leapt forward, hugging her friends tightly. It had been Sirius who had startled her and glancing around from friend to friend, she suddenly realized her mother hadn't left yet and was now staring at these boys she'd made friends with in her first year at Hogwarts. Approaching the group, Johanna felt her heart pound furiously and looked up at her mom with wide surprised eyes,

"Hey mom... I thought you were leaving..."

"I was. But I saw you with your friends and thought I should meet them." Rose looked down at the boys and Johanna felt her cheeks burn from embarrassment. Her mother was always rather nosy and she honestly didn't want her meeting her friends, out of fear that she'd embarrass her in some way shape or form.

"I'm James Potter." James was the first one to smile and threw his hand out to shake her hand outgoingly. Rose shook it back appreciatively and her eyes widened with surprise after she heard his name,

"Potter? Not the potioneer Fleamont Potter's son?"

James beamed when he heard his fathers name and nodded his head proudly,

"That's right!"

"That's amazing! My daughter is friends with a Potter. You sure know how to pick them Jojo."

Feeling her face heat up with embarrassment at this remark, she replied with flusteredness,

"I didn't know he was a Potter when I met him mom. I don't even know who Fleamont Potter is."

Looking down at her daughter as if she were crazy not to know she explained,

"He created Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. Worked wonders on your Grandad, bless his soul. The Potters are somewhat famous for their potions."

Johanna felt sort of amazed and looked over at James with surprise since he'd never told her. It made some sense, after all he was never short on cash and never expressed having problems with money. Not that he would even if he were poor, but even if he hadn't told her she hadn't expected his family to be famous in some way or another. James eyed her back amusedly when he saw her shock and then Sirius stepped forward,

"I'm Sirius Black!"

He shook her hand and hearing this name Rose looked as if she were trying not to show what she was thinking. Hearing his name obviously had put her off for some reason but seeing as Sirius was a child, she kept her expression nonchalant. Johanna had seen this look on her mother's face before, when she would meet someone for the first time that she'd heard bad things about. Like she was secretly being judgemental while making sure her face wouldn't reveal it. Rose them looked down at Peter and Remus questioningly,

"Now... which one of you is Remus?"

"Mom!" Johanna hissed and waving his hand shyly Remus replied,

"That's me."

A look of relief crossed her mother's face and that's when Johanna realized that her mother had been secretly hoping without knowing their names that Remus was indeed the boy she'd told her about during Christmas and was hoping Peter wasn't Remus.

"Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you! Johanna talks about you all the time-"

Eyes widening with fear, Johanna grabbed her mother by her sleeve and walked her away from her friends hastily telling her mom,

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