Fluffy Cat

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Y/n's pov

I shut my door and lean my back against it as a few tears excaped my hold. Sniffling I drag my feet, which ache from my long walk through the forest, to the door that leads to my bathroom.  

Its a spacious bathroom, a comfortable space, theres a shower with frost glass doors at the back right corner. Opposite the shower, also at the back, is the toilet which is hidden behind a curved 'half wall' that protrudes from the left wall of the room. The remaining space on the left wall holds the sink and cuboards as well as a large square mirror. A circular bathtub fills the space on the right beside the shower, which I go to and run the hot water.

Once I'm undressed and the tub is filled, I slip into the large and warm bath letting my nerves unravel,  which in turn unraveled all the built up emotions of today. The hot water soothed my aching muscles and caught the streams of tears I'd completely let loose. I hadn't realized what a toll the events of today had on me. 'Im so tired,' the comforting heat could probably lull me to sleep here and now, but of course that wouldn't be a good idea.

I don't understand why Laven treats me this way, no matter how hard I try to figure it out.  I also don't get why I cant stand up to him, I'm not some masochist, I hate the way he treats me, I just always have an overwhelming sense of fear when he's near. Maybe its because of the years of tormenting or it could be something deeper I don't quite understand. 

After dunking my head underwater to wet my hair, I apply my soaps and hair products before rinsing off,  then getting dry and dressed into sleepwear. Including the crying, this is basically my nightly routine.

Refreshed and relaxed I exit the bathroom with a towl over my shoulders. Having a seat on my desk chair I ruffle my hair with the towl to properly dry it.

I stop when I hear a thud against my bedroom door.  Cautiously, I open the door a crack and peak through. No one was there, but i spot my bag on the floor and quickly bring it in. I then heard Lavens room door shutting a little ways down the hall. I gulp and look at my bag in fear, theres nothing really important in it, just school things and scrap paper, so he couldn't of taken anything. What i fear is that hed put  something in it.

'Ugh, I'll deal with that tomorrow.' I need to sleep so I can pack for the trip, as well as greet Father and Henry when they arrive in the morning. Hopping into the warm light grey bedding im almost instantly knocked out with  sleep.

Authors pov:

The lovely sounds and smells of a delicious breakfast being made emanates from the kitchen, as well as cheerful humming from the auburn haired Scarlet.

A plate is set on the island in front of Y/n who's looking majorly disheveled from sleep. She'd only had enough time to brush her teeth before being called down for breakfast.

Scarlett takes eating as family very seriously and doesn't appreciate tardiness regardless of wether or not you haven't got half your clothes on. That isn't an understatement. There are numerous occasions Y/n has had her clothes on backward or inside out. Laven actually has the gall to eat without a shirt on and  sometimes without pants, though thankfully thats when he wears something slightly oversized. Speaking of which, Laven had just walked in wearing just that, an oversized sleep shirt with his legs entirely bare.  

Y/n has a hard time eating when hes like this. Lavens skin is so sleek and pale, its impossible not to blush. Luckily its easy to avoid looking in his direction, since they usually sit away from each other. 

"Its a wonderful morning! Isn't my darlings?" Scarlett placed down hers and Laven's plate while beaming her everlasting smile. With a much smaller smile Y/n nods in response while Laven hums tiredly. "Thats the spirit!"

"Y/n pass me the jam." Laven suddenly talking to Y/n makes her flinch and tense, as always, but quickly she passes the jam across the table. In a way Y/n acts as Laven's personal errand girl, since she never dares say no to him. She'd once walked all the way to the mall just to bring him a different pair of shoes he'd requested over text, he said he didn't want to  walk all the way home in his favorite heels and risk them breaking. Once she'd gotten there though, she received a another text that he'd gotten a dÜber cause she took too long.

The air was filled with the sound of clacking plates as they ate, as well as Scarlett's chattering voice. Laven would request things from Y/n and seldom you'd hear Y/n's voice reply to Scarlett's random questions. 

Y/n's pov

'Finally!  I'm dressed and packed and pretty much ready to go.' I sink into the sofa with a relieved sigh. I heard Laven's shower turn on on my way downstairs which means I have an about an hour of freedom before he comes down.

As I begin to watch my show I hear a familiar little jingle of bells. Glancing to my side I see a puff of snowy fur making itself comfortable beside me. Its Lavens cat, Lavender. As you can tell, it was Laven who named him. 

I blush excitedly. This is the first time practically ever that Lavender has ever sit this close to me. I try going in to pet him, only to be hissed at. He always hisses at me. I flinch and ultimately decided to just enjoy the closeness.

After a while the cats bell jingles again as he suddenly moves away. Looking to see where hes going I find him leaping into Lavens arms.
"Awww my lil-cutie!" Laven coos at the feline which coos back at him as it meows and purrs

The sight was honestly adorable. A pretty kitty and its equally,  if not much more, pretty owner. Im snapped out of my gaze when my (E/c) orbs are met with slightly widened green ones that caught me staring. I look away quickly and focus on the screen.  

To my surprise though I feel Laven have a seat directly besides me. My heart beats rapidly in fear. He 𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 willingly sits this close to me. 'Shit shit shit shit' im so tense I can hardly breathe. I feel him shift beside me and hear Lavender scurry to a more comfortable place on the couch. Laven leans forward propping his elbow on his knee with his head in his hands to look at the front of my face. His expression is hard to read, but he stares intently at me. My eyes flit to him for split second, but I try my hardest to keep them forward. I feel my lip quiver slightly so I bite the inside of my cheek. 'Whats he going to do? Is he mad at me for staring? Whats he planning? Is there something on my face? What if he really did put something in my bag and hes wondering why i haven't opened it? Well if thats true what on earth wouldve happened if i opened my bag?!' if my eyes could form spirals they wouldn't stop spinning.

"We're home!" Mr Hillbury's voice booms cheerily from the hallway as him and my father enter the space. 'Thank God!'

"Welcome back!" I stand instantly and rush over to greet them. Mr Hillbury ruffled my hair and my father engulfed me in a bear hug.

"Henry!" Scarlett had come running out of seeming nowhere and leaped into her husbands arms in a gross display of affection,  making the three other persons in the room cringe. "Oh, its good to see you too (F/n)!" she giggles keeping her arms wrapped snuggly around Henrys waist as she leans on him sideways. 

Father laughs heartily in response "its great to see you all too" He then turns his attention to the blonde who watches us with his arms crossed over the back of the sofa. My Father opens his arms towards the boy 

"Aww Laven, you're not gonna come give papa a hug-" a pillow is throw into Father's face. Laven's face is a touch red in embarrassment and he turns away with an angry pout. The Hillburys laugh at their antics and I can't help but stifle one as well.

When laven was alot younger hed confused my father for his own and call him papa even at a more conscious age he'd let it slip accidentally. Father can't help but tease him about it.

"Ok ok," Henry brings down his laughter "thats enough fooling around now. We'll have plenty of time for fun and games once we're at the chalet."

"Oh yes yes yes~ we're all done packing on our end so we can leave after lunch!" Scarlett scuttled back into the kitchen to set out the food shed already earlier prepared for lunch.

Its so great having everyone together like this, the atmosphere is warm and comforting. There was lots of talking and laughter during lunch. It made me feel happy that, despite being constantly tormented by Laven, i can still appreciate moments like these with my family.

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