What Has Happened?!?

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I slowly fluttered opened my eyes to the widow flooded with light in my empty hospital room.

My nurse wasn't here so I usumed I was off one-on-one.

All the other patients were in the Activity Room, chatting.

"Anouther day in the mental hospital." I murmurred.

I walked into the bathroom feeling sick still. I had been up all night vomiting blood.

When I peered into the mirror's shining surface, I saw a horrifying thing!

My eyes where black and bloodshot, my skin was turning ghastly pale!

I let out a scream and revealed that I had nasty fangs.

"Whats happened to me??" I cried, blood streaming out of my eyes.

Two Tecs came running into my room.

"Whats the matter?" They asked. I looked over at them, a look of dismay smeared on my face.

"Can't you see?! I'm transforming!!" I said.

Just then, all the Creepypastas appeared in the room.

"How delightful!" said Laughing Jack

"You're now one of us!" Tails Doll chuckled.

"No, get away from me!" I cried falling to my knees.

"Zoe, theres noone here! You're hallutionating!" said one of the tecs.

I looked up and saw my ex girlfriend standing in front of me.

"I told you, you can't run from us." She smirked.

"Please, Master! I beg of you! Leave me be!" I shrieked.

"Now why would I? Leave my little proxy here with humans when you could be a Creepypasta with me? Ha, I wouldn't dream of it!" said my ex.

The E that was carved on my right hand ripped open and revealed bone and musle.

"Sterling, stop!! Please!" I pleaded.

The tecs tried to drag me out of the room.

"Zoe, there's noone here!" they said again.

The Creepypastas laughed at my agony.

Suddenly, I felt weak; weaker and weaker until I finally blacked out.

Terrible TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now