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I'm a very creative person, you see, and I love being creative. You know, making videos, sitting in the darkness and let my creative mind flow. Its really fun if you haven't tried it! But anyways, back to the original point of this.

Just recently, I have made some brand new creations that I like to call "Shadow Creatures". Now, now, don't laugh! Its very rude to mock ones' hard work. This first one, the pale bloodless corpse of a girl with stitches all along that mean face, thats Stitchy. She's very mean and heartless, always has been since I met her. I thought she be a PERFECT model for this character. The next wonderous creation, the boy with "angel wings" and a cat's tail sewn into him, thats Thorn. Always trying to violate other womanly figures....I had to make him into this one. Oh, am I a creation too, you ask? Of course I am, doesn't my cuts go beautifully with my smile? No? Well, aren't we a rebellious little creature! You'll be perfect for my next creation, The Hyiana! Open your mouth now!

Terrible Transformationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें