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Naraku had never felt like this for his entire life. After he was born as himself after he disposed of Kikyo and Inuyasha to steal the Shikon Jewel of Four Souls, the estimate powerful that grants any wish.

All he ever wished was to get rid of the human heart of Onigumo, so he could be a full-fledged demon.

That was his desire.

Unfortunately, the jewel was gone. He never expected it. Kikyo has taken the jewel with her after her death. He could have a chance to steal it before her body was burned. He damned her for taking the jewel after her spiritual power has purified it. He silently scowled at that.

"I honestly thought Kikyo would use the jewel to heal her, so she can lobe on. But oh well. Makes no difference at least in the end I'll have the jewel for myself. I guessed I'll have to wait and see what happens when the jewel returns."


Fifty years had passed. When I grew tired of waiting for the jewel to return, I began to think I should do something fun but use other people for my attention.

Sometimes in a good way. Sometimes not.

Well, for me I didn't pay that much attention to my appearance. Mainly I had stolen someone else's appearance, so I can make a fool of them to think that I'm their prince of the emperor. Mainly I wasn't worried about finding a woman who I ever wanted to marry to. But I am not interested in finding a bride. I'd rather rule the empire for myself.

My daily routine on getting ready for the day was to throw on a kimono, some socks, put my hair on, and go. It didn't matter how I looked, I knew I was handsome the way I was. The way I looked like the young lord of the castle. Both inside and outside.


Mind that last one.

People were attracted to me most of the time because of my intelligence and personality. I was an okay-looking man during my adult years, in my opinion at least.

Anyway, my routine was simple. I think I was and still am that way because for half of my life when I had been a half-demon for fifty years ago. I had been tricking on the people while shapeshifting myself into innocent people. Especially I had disguised myself as a woman. I even put the monk on a spell called 'wind tunnel'. My life is so much fun. I enjoyed ruining their lives.

Everyone began to hate me for what I have done during the past, but what they didn't know that I kept on shapeshifting myself into innocent people, men, and women. I enjoyed my own game as well.

But everyone in this castle treated me respectfully while I was pretending to be the young lord of the castle, Kagewaki Hitomi.

"Good morning, My Lord." A maid greeted me respectfully, bowing down in front of me.

I smiled at her. "Goodmorning, Aoi."

"Did you sleep well, My Lord?"

"Indeed. Thank you very much."

My vocabulary was better than an average human child. But that doesn't mean I was learning from school. I had learned everything for myself.

However, I can rule whatever I want. I would often pick up sayings that were thrown around, but most of the time I was reading scrolls and working my own business. I even created my own demon puppet.

Now all of that is in the past and I'm now a full-grown villain that has his own castle. This tale was about a day when my life has changed forever.


Fadeaway to the wicked world we left

And I become the dark of you

Say a prayer for the wounded heart within

As I become the dark of you

-Breaking Benjamin



I am dedicated to my friend @KagomeUzumakiUchiha. This is my first Inuyasha Fanfic story and yes, there will be Naraku's Point of View.

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