|Chapter 3|

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Case closed. The case is closed. The Crooked Man was now falling down into the depths of the bottomless witching well. "Good, gives him plenty of time to reflect on all the crap he's done to this town" Bigby thought leaving the Witching Well chamber first. He left after throwing the crooked crook down. He was considering to imprison him but after that stunt he pulled he was asking to be thrown into the well. Bigby glanced back to see Snow talking to the other fables. Her eye caught Bigby looking and she smiled. Bigby nodded his head and proceeded to leave.
Snow watched him leave, alone. She felt bad for him. He'd being through a lot and not one person had thanked him for his work. He was the one that ended it, brought justice and once again saved his community. "Snow! Were you even listening to me!?" Bluebeard shouted at her. Snow sighed heavily and turned her attention to the aggravated pirate with his arms crossed to her. He always was the one to push her buttons to the limit. And she had far exceeded that since she got an earful the first day. "What is it now, Bluebeard?" She bitterly spat sick of him complaining to her, which she knew was all that came from his mouth.
"Well! You know what forget it!" He huffed storming away from her. Snow rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples. She wished she left with Bigby now. He had the right idea.

After everyone had finished thanking and slightly complaining, Snow decided to call it over. The Crooked Man is gone and Fabletown was back to normal, for now she hoped...
She left the damp and cold chamber and made it back to the Business Office. On her journey back she bumped into Bigby who was just leaving his office. He was covered in scratches and bruises all over his face. He had gotten himself in some nasty brawls in the last few days. He had bags under his eyes and didn't look too happy either. She didn't blame him. After everything that was thrown at him he had the right reasons to not be happy. Everyone seemed to threat him with little respect lately.
She felt she had too... after, 'that day'...

"Hello Bigby" Snow said stopping beside him.
"Oh, hey Snow" he replied not turning his head as he jingled the keys in his door until the clack of the lock was heard. He must be calling it a night. He stuffed the keys in his pocket and reached for a cigarette but decided against it since Snow wasn't too fond of him smoking indoors.
"Thanks for everything Bigby" she smiled looking up at him as his lips cracked a rare smirk.
"Don't bother with thanks Snow. I'm just doing my job" he shrugged turning to face her. He wasn't one to be praised for doing his usual tasks. He did his job and that was it. He never was thanked since he started working this job and he figured that thanks was just another word that didn't mean much. He however admired the fact that Snow was thanking him.
"Well I think you did more than your job Bigby, you helped us once more. And don't forget we're grateful for that."
"Uh.. Thanks Snow" he said amusingly scratching his head and looking at his feet. He found it nice to get praise from Snow, let alone hear her say he was doing a good job.
"I best be getting back" Snow said fixing her khaki jacket.
"You're not calling it a night?" Bigby rose a brow to her and she closed her eyes, "I can't exactly put the government on hold Bigby" she said walking away until a light grasp caught her wrist. Bigbys.
"No one is going to go to you and complain at this hour Snow" he joked until he saw her staring unamused. He sighed with a smirk. "I'm just saying, relax for tonight, please. I think you deserve it more than any of us. I really care for you Snow... When I thought you died--" he stopped himself, biting his tongue and coughing nervously. Snow blushed at his words. He cared for her? Well this was new. The Big Bad Wolf caring for her? After all the crap she threw in his face he still cared for her..
"I didn't say what I think I said did I?" Bigby mumbled lacing his fingers through his hair.


"Well... uh.." he chuckled awkwardly remembering what his big mouth had slipped out that day. It was his heart talking and all these feelings he bottled up all his life were begging to be opened up and told.
"Because... it means a lot" she smiled squeezing his hand and leaning into him. Bigbys eyes widened. Did Snow really say that and was she resting into him!? Squeezing his hand?

Happy that he cared for her.

"Thank you Bigby" she whispered moving her hand and wrapping it around his forearm. Bigbys heartbeat quickened as he could feel the blood pumping through every vessel in his body. He breathed out quietly and looked down at her hugging his arm.

"Of course Snow" he whispered treasuring the moment happening before him.
"I've had a bad tale of events..." she sighed hugging his arm a little tighter. "And it's nice to know someone still cares for me... even though I'm the fable that everyone thought was making the government lazy and... a joke" she sadly mumbled to herself. "Sorry Bigby don't listen to me... I'm just a--"

"Don't ever say that again Snow..." he cut in looking directly into her eyes. "What?-"
"I said, don't ever say that about yourself. You're the best person that came into this place. You brought us all here, cared more about everyone than themselves. Created us into something better" he started, "You changed me Snow. And I'm entirely grateful for that. You caged the Big Bad Wolf into a man. They don't fear me anymore but instead trust me, for who I am. I hope anyways... " He chuckled to himself and moved his hand to touch her cheek and push a loose piece of hair away. "Don't listen to them Snow. You're the best thing that was brought into the family of Fables. You're the most perfect and beautiful fable there is" he admitted slightly worried about her response to the end of his little speech.

"B- Bigby..." she smiled slightly getting teary eyed at his words. "Do you mean all that?"

"Every word Snow" he smiled wiping a tear away with his thumb, "don't cry please" he smiled again until Snow was hugging him within the blink of an eye. Bigbys heartbeat quickened again as he hugged her back. "There's only one reason why every word I spoke is true Snow"

"Whys that?" She sniffled into his chest and Bigby leaned into her ear, "please don't leave me Snow because..." he took a breath and whispered...

"I love you"


>3< it's just so cute lol

Hope you enjoyed it everyone!!

Credit to lyriclei for this amazing storyline!! :3 she's awesome!

Until the next one STAY AWESOME!! ❤️✌️

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