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"Deep breath in...Deep breath out...."



Today was the day I visit Tommy. I was scared to see where Dream left him. Was it warm enough? Was there enough food? Did he have shelter yet? I asked myself all of these questions as I was walking through the nether. I took a few stacks of bread along with me just in case he didn't have any food. The portal wasn't that far away luckily.

There were no paths leading to the portal, and that makes it look so lonely. I take a few deep breaths before stepping into the portal. In a few seconds, I found myself in the middle of nowhere. I looked around. There was a large wall of logs with a house inside, and on the other side of the portal, there was a small white tent. I looked at the sign above the log wall. Logstedshire. I heard voices behind me so I turned around. Tommy and Dream were chatting next to the tent.

"You know you're really annoying Dream," Tommy says. Dream laughs. Why were they laughing together? I walked over and the moment Tommy saw me he smiled. I smiled back at him, keeping my eyes away from Dream.

"Hey," I say. He runs over and attacks me with a bear hug. I laughed. Dream stood still watching us. "I missed you." I say.

"I missed you too. How are things?" He asks.

"Okay...things have been very quiet since you left." I say. He nods.

"Well I kind of expected that." He says. I laugh and shake my head. Things didn't feel the same without Tommy.

"Have you been well?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Kind of. I really miss home. Ghostbur and Dream have been here to keep me company so I'm not alone." He says. Dream is keeping him company? I look over at him. He was standing there watching us with a blank expression. He is totally manipulating him, I can see it in his eyes. He smirks. I quickly look back at Tommy.

"Let's go talk alone." I say. He nods and leads me into a small house in Logstedshire. My mood was shifting into slight fear. Dream had something up his sleeve, I just know it.

"What's up?" He asks, sitting down.

"Why is Dream staying here with you?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I'm not really sure. It is kind of nice of him to stay here with me though. I still hate him though." He says. I look out the small window.

"Don't let him get into your head. He is the bad guy. Remember what he has done to you." I say. Tommy rolls his eyes.

"I'm not stupid Y/n." He says. I bite the inside of my cheek.

"You are sometimes..." I say under my breath. He frowns at me. "Just- promise me you wont start becoming friends with him. He's probably planning something." I say. He nods.

"I get it, but I cant really avoid him if he's the only one here most of the time." He says. He had a point.

"Please just promise me." I say looking down. 

"Okay okay, I promise." He says. I smile. It was a fake smile. Tommy can be manipulated easily, there's no way he wont fall into Dream's trap. Hopefully if he does, he will be able to get out of it. I gesture for us to go back outside so we do. 

"How is Tubbo?" He asks.

"I thought you hated him?" I say. He shrugs.

"He wants to protect L'manburg, I get that. He's still my best friend." He says. I nod.

"I haven't spoken to him much. I think he's a bit of a mess, but I'm sure he will be okay." I say. 

"Does he regret what he did?" He asks. I stay silent for a moment.

"Tommy, I don't know what's going on his mind right now. I told him about the directions to get here, but he said he needs time." I say. He sighs and looks down at the ground. His clothes looked a bit messy and he looked very tired. I noticed Dream was gone.

"I'm going to get to work on building some stuff maybe." He says.

"I'll leave you to it then." I say. He smiles and I give him a hug again. And with that we part ways. I head back through the portal. I walked down the path for a little bit until I had an extreme rush of exhaustion suddenly. I sat down, letting my legs dangle above the lava. I rubbed my temples trying to relax. What is happening to me? 

My head felt heavy. I felt myself leaning foreword. I knew if I were to lean to far I would fall to my death, but I couldn't stop. I heard a strange voice in my head.

"I am more powerful then anyone you know." It hissed. I look around, and saw weird red vines covering my vision. "Join me..." it said. I felt myself falling forward and suddenly someone grabbed me just as I was about to fall completely off the pathway.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear Dream say from behind me. The vines disappeared and everything felt normal again. I look around completely confused. "Hello?" Dream says. I turn and face him. I looked down at my arms. My skin was very pale now. 

"What's the matter with you?" He asks angrily. I get up and step backwards away from him. I was shaking. I begin to run the whole way back to the main portal with Dream following me. When I arrived back to the overworld, it was raining. I looked to my left to see a small pile of red vines. I stepped back.

"W-what just happened....." I say shaking. He looks confused.

"What?" He says. His voice was a bit more calm rather than angry now.

"Nothing....I- I need to go." I say. I begin running the whole way to L'manburg.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Fundy asks when I arrive. I was out of breath.

"I was in the nether...and I got really tired and I felt sick. Suddenly red vines covered my eyes and there was this voice talking to me. When I snapped out of it I ran back to the main portal, and when I got back, there were red vines covering a bit of ground." I say. Quackity looks confused. "Follow me." I say. 

I begin walking back to the place where I saw the vines. Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy were following me. Then we saw it. Quackity leaned down and touched it then yanked his hand away. He looks up at me.

"Y/n...this isn't right." He says with pure fear in his voice.

What is happening.....

Hey guys! Here comes the egg lore :D Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading!!!

The Fall of a Villain  // Dream X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now