11 ~Thomas~

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imagine- you were running the maze and got stung by a greiver. 


"is she okay?" thomas asked standing tin the doorway of the medhut watching you lay still with heavy slow breathing on the cot.

Jeff didnt answer, not wanting to tell thomas.

"is she?" thomas asked again standing straighter.

"listen, i dont want to doubt anything but no one survives a sting." he said looking at the ground and occasionally thomas.

"most gladers dont, but she will.  shes strong."


(two days later)

"shes just getting worse newt, the nightmares and the rapid breathing and heart rate.  her body cant handle it." clint said to newt.

"right then, we'll just have to keep extra care of her.  Two people on watch at a time, both doing two different jobs." newt said sending clint a look and tone as if saying 'thats final'.

(later that night)

thomas was busy watching you peacefully sleep while newt dampened a cloth for your forehead and gash wound.

Your breathing started to pick up and your hands and arms started to twitch uncontrollably.

"newt!" thomas yelled for his best friend in hopes he would know what to do.

"what happened!?" he questioned hating to see you like this.

"i-i dont know, she just-" then all of a sudden it all stopped.  No more thrashing.  No More twitching. No more breathing.

The boys stood back in shock and disbelief.

" CLINT!" newt yelled for the medjack.

Two minutes later the two medjacks came rushing in to see your lifeless body on the cot.

thomas fell onto the ground, head in hands a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"noo no no no no no no No NO!" he murmed then merged into a yell. mad at himself for not saving you.

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