25 ~Newt~

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being with the right arm was different. It was open and free.  It felt welcoming. Something you and fellow gladers hadn't felt in awhile. 

Everyone was mostly settled, or as settled as you could be within roughly 8 hours.  You had sat by a fire finishing a carving you had mostly forgotten about.  As warm as it may have looked in the mountains, it really wasnt.  You had to borrow a second sweater from Newt to put over your already heavy sweater.

Thinking about your warmth that was thankfully provided by your lovely boyfriend made you wonder where he was. you looked up form your carving and skimmed the area for the blonde.  Your eyes met his figure, not that far away.  He was with some other gladers and the man named vincent you had met earlier, they seemed to be having some sort of discussion.  Newt rubbed his hands together as the wind blew and he patted his hands on his lap, he seemed to do a double take when he saw you out of the corner of his eyes.  He looked at you and made a face symbolizing how could he was. You laughed quietly to yourself as you waved him over to you.  He bid a short goodbye to everyone around him and walked over, his hands shoved in his pockets and his movements stiff. 

"I thought you might be warmer over here by me, and the fire, of course" you stated as he sat himself closely next to me.

"thats a brilliant thought." he exhaled as his arm made its way around my waist and then both hands to mine.  He leaned into you and he slightly shivered.

"Im going to be completely honest with you and say that you really need to work on your weather tolerancy because its not as cold as your making it out to be." you said as you slightly chuckled. 

"Hey! its not easy when your used to the same weather everyday and night when its sort of scorching hot. Im not being dramatic, just adjusting." he said pouting while scooting closer and resting on you.

"alright, alright." you exhaled.

You let go of his hands and went back to your carving. Newt watched you hands as they moved in perfect rythm.  His eyes made their way up to your face and wondered how someone so beautiful ever found their way to him.  He softly kissed your cheek and went back to trying to stay warm.  You smiled out of content and happiness. 

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