Chapter 3

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The two guys looked around. "She was right behind me" said Gray nervously. 

"Lucy??..Luce? Natsu called. "Rrright here?" they all turned to see Lucy leaning against the wall of the bar. "Hey, you alright? Gray asked. " Yeah, I'm good" she smiled. 

"Lucy.." Erza said warily. "I'm good , really" she started to walk forward but starts to zig zag. "Luce..." She started to fall forward as Natsu immediately caught her in his arms and laid her down with her body against his.

 " Lucy!, hey can you hear me?" asked Gray panicked  "Gray, has she had any water or anything since she's been here?" Erza asked directly. 

"Umm,..crap I don't know..i don't think she has" he answered. 

 "Lucy, hey come on baby, Luce" Natsu called frantic. Lucy opened her eyes. "hhey" she said weakly. 

Rubbing her nose between her fingers, Erza said quietly " damn it Lucy" 

"Hey!" Natsu snapped. "Lucy, have you drank any water today?" Erza asked bluntly ignoring Natsu. "hmmm, I don't think so" Letting out a exasperated sigh, she said " your dehydrated Lucy" 

"De..oh crap!" she put a hand over her mouth as Natsu instantly turned her to her side and grabbed her hair as she started to puke. " somebody kill me" she mumbled before she started again as Natsu rubbed her back. 

"Happy, go find some water" ordered Erza. "Aye" as he went running to find some. "What do we do?" asked Gray.

 "We can't do anything; this is something Lucy unfortunately has to work through. " We have to try to get some water in her or she is going to get worse, do you hear me Natsu?" she asked as he was still focused on Lucy. 

"Yeah I hear you" Happy came back with some water as Lucy finished throwing up. She laid back against Natsu shaking as he wrapped his arms around her. 

 "Feel her head Natsu, how is she?" He did as she said and put her hand on her forehead. 

"She's burning up, and jeeze Lucy, your sweating like crazy, Happy bring me that water" He walked up and handed Natsu the glass of water. 

" Lucy, you gotta try and get this down okay?" he told her kindly as he lifted the glass to her mouth as she opened her mouth and let the water in. "Oh man, here we go again" not moving, Natsu just turned her on her side again as he held her hair.

"Thank you Fairy Tail for..oh, is someone sick?" the townswoman who hired them for the job had come walking up to them. Natsu waved at Erza for her to go up and get rid of her not wanting the townswoman to see Lucy in this state. 

 "Yes, but we are taking care of it" she said as they heard a loud hurl from Lucy. "My body hatesss mmmme" she groaned. 

"Hey, cant be any worse then Natsu's " he said trying to make her laugh. " So not the time Gray," said Natsu. 

"Sorry" "It's alright, I saw what your trying to do..don't worry after this, she'll never live it down, heehee. Then she'll never be able to say anything again about me getting sick on a vehicle" Natsu fist bumped Gray at which Lucy turned her head which was green as Natsu had ever seen it. 

"YIKES!" went Natsu and Gray. "Shut up both of you" she said glaring at them as she put her head back down for another hurl.

 " Thank you very much for helping rebuild the bar , after that fire, we just couldn't find enough people to help and build" "It was our pleasure" answered Erza very gracefully. 

" Here is your guys rewards, I hope your comrade gets better soon" she said nicely. "Thank you ma'am, we're going to take her home now" The townswoman bowed her head and walked away. "Hey, do you think she can walk home?" 

Natsu and Gray took one look at each other and then at Erza and said " absolutely not" 

 "Do you want to carry her Natsu? The best place for her to be right now is home." Said Erza. "Yeah, come on Lucy, can you get up?" he asked caringly as she slowly got herself up on her arms. 

" My head is killing me" Turning his back to her, he crouched down and said "here, give me your hands" she reached for him as he took her arms and put them around his neck as he slowly stood up letting her wrap her legs under him.

"You up there?" he asked. "Yyes..can we go home now? "she asked quietly. "On the way now" he answered as they began their walk back to Magnolia. It wasn't long after they started walking that she fell asleep. 

"Natsu, when you guys get home, you have to keep trying to get water down her, if you don't , she is only going to get worse" 

" I hear you. She's going to hate this" " What?" "Oh come on ,do I really need to explain it, this is Lucy we're talking about!" "Okay, okay, we hear you" Gray said light hearted. 

Natsu smiled a warm smile at Lucy. " I'll always take care of Lucy" he thought. It was late when they got back but they stopped at the guild where Mira, Nashi and a few remaining few were still there. 

"Daddy!" she yelled. "Shhhhhh" they told her holding a finger to their lips. "Oh, sorry" she whispered. "Sorry we're late Mira" said Natsu. 

"It's alright Natsu, .why are we whispering though" Natsu motioned towards Lucy on his back who was still fast asleep. "she doesn't feel good" "Oh I see" said Mira. "Is mommmy okay daddy?" Nashi asked looking up at him. 

 "Mommy's just a little sick, don't worry she will be okay. I promise" he assured her. It sometimes still caught Mira off guard how sweet Natsu would be when he talked to Nashi. 

Her cheeks turned pink as she thought about that. "Mira?" "I'm here, sorry, Take Lucy and Nashi home Natsu" 

"Come on Iggy" he said as she took his hand. Erza and Gray nodded to Mira as they walked with Natsu then headed towards their homes.

 "Later dude" "Goodnight Natsu" they said to him. "I'll give you some of my soup tomorrow" she said sweetly. "Thanks Mira" Natsu said as he smirked and left the guild.  

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