Chapter 12

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Natsu was doing everything he could to avoid Nashi to keep himself from hitting her but the demon in her was making it difficult to do that as she kept throwing flame balls at him and hitting him with attacks. 

"Thankfully she's not that strong yet..or this might be a real problem" he thought to himself as she landed in front of him. 

 "Are you ready to give up yet?" she asked. "Ha, not on your life you bastard" he sniped. 

 He saw the mischievous grin she got on her face as she walked over to the hellfire and grabbed some with her hand. 

 "Hehe" she laughed as she aimed it directly for him but he couldn't dodge it as it hit his stomach making him cry out in pain. 

"GAHHHHHH" he was on the ground clutching his stomach. 

" Ha, it hurts doesn't it, Pure black hellfire. Not meant for anyone else but demons, hurts anyone else who touches it" 

" the fuck are you touching it" he said through grunts as he painfully got himself to his feet. 

" Well." But before she could finish, Natsu grabbed some of the hellfire into his hand and began to eat some.

As he finished, he turned back to Nashi. "You stupid fool, did you not hear what I just said" "Yeah..I heard you, you should also know that stomach..ahh" His face turned purple as he put a hand to his mouth and dropped to his knees. 

 He tried to keep his hand over his mouth but couldn't handle it anymore as he started throwing up. His throat and stomach burned as he puked. 

 " I told you, no human can eat that fire. Dragon slayer or not" "You knew?" 

" Oh Please, I've heard plenty of tales of the Fairy Tail dragon slayer. And not to mention, I can see what this little brat has in her head.. but that makes me curious." 

Natsu's hair stood on end hearing the tone in which the demon said it. "Ccurious about wwhat?" he stuttered. 

 Nashi walked over to the hellfire while Natsu was still on his knees puking up the hellfire. 

 She jumped and landed where the hellfire was. 

"Nashi!,no!" he yelled as he saw her step into it. It goes right onto her but doesn't hurt her. "What the hell!" exclaimed Natsu. 

"Hahahahaha, didn't you know that your daughter has demon blood in her." "That's not possible!" said Natsu. 

"Maybe not for you, but this child has it. "Damn it. I thought we got rid of it when Lucy saved me" thought Natsu. " It may have been expelled from you but it wasn't from her..sooo" Nashi inhaled as some of the fire rose up. 

"NOOOOOOO" screamed Natsu as Nashi inhaled some of the fire. His face turned to panic as she turned to face him. 

Her eyes had gone completely black and her face was covered in red and black scales while her hands turned to claws. 

 "Nashi" he said sullenly. "PREPARE YOURSELF DRAGON SLAYER!!!" a scream came out that barely sounded human as Nashi launched herself at him as Natsu didn't know what to do.

" Has anyone been able to find anything ?" asked Makarov. Everyone shook their heads regretfully as Levy slammed the book down that she was reading .

" Damn it" she cursed out loud. " I can't find a damn thing that says how we can get them out. Anything that I've read just pretty much says the same thing and that we are all screwed for sending anybody down there. FUCK!" 

"Easy shrimp. You're trying your hardest" comforted Gajeel as he came to hug her from behind. 

 "I appreciate the help Levy, thank you" said Lucy humbly. " I'm not giving up Lu, we are going to find a way" she said confidently as Gajeel smirked at her. 

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