Kagami x Shy!Reader Burgers and Basketball: Our Always.

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Despite being the shyest girl in school, you loved basketball. And burgers. Can't forget the burgers. When you played basketball, you were in a world of your own. Everyday, after you helped Riko with the Basketball Club, you would go to Maji Burger with Kagami and Kuroko. Both knew you were shy so they didn't pressure you to talk with them.
"(Y.n)." Kagami said.
You turned your head round to face the "burger king" (sorry, I really wanted too🙏).
"H-hai, Taiga-kun?"
He stood up and gestured you to come outside. Without you noticing Kuroko had already left so it meant just you and Kagami were alone. He was taking the route to a nearby basketball court in the park. "Taiga-kun, why are we here?" You whispered. Kagami turned around and picked you up over his shoulder.
"Come and show me what your made of (y.n)!" He challenged.
Despite your shyness, when it came to basketball, you turned into something that most people would fear. A dragon type aura surrounded you when you played and since Kagami was insistent, you couldn't pass the challenge.
"Taiga-kun. You can't beat me."
"You're starting to sound like someone I know." He sighed.
You looked at him with confusion until you finally understood what he meant.
"Taiga-kun! Don't compare me to Ahomine!"
You started with the ball. Dribbling past Kagami and shooting 3 pointers. You were winning.

-Kagami's POV-
Wow! She can really play. A formidable opponent. She's better than Aomine! I knew I was losing this game so I might as well do something to throw her of that high horse of hers.
She tried to score a three pointer, but instead I blocked the ball, stole it and scored. I turned around and she had a shocked look on her face.
"W-what?" She looked defeated... After a 5 minute game.
I went over to her and pulled her into a hug. "You know (y.n), we have a lot in common.
"What do you mean?" She whispered. She was back to her shy self.
"We both love burgers. But we both have a passion for basketball and when playing, you want to win. Always."

-your POV-
Kagami was right. How could you have not noticed? After hearing that word 'always' you looked at Kagami with a blushing face.
"Maybe those too things, together, will be our forever." You managed to say.
Kagami looked at you and blushed, "Yeah. (Y.n). Our always.

Minna thanks for reading but what did I do to Kagami?
I wonder about myself sometimes. *facepalms* Anyway, I quickly wrote this one today before I left for school. Sorry if it's so short and cheesy. Just using my imagination.
Also I will be doing randomness checks. Don't ask. Just don't. 😥😰

Quick note.... Hai means yes!
Up next is.....
Nagisa x Rei 😍😍
Ciao minna,
Rebexii ~chu~

Extra note....
Minna! Am I that bad at writing?!😭 I think I will join Kise in the doom and gloom corner. 😱😱

Only 64 reads, no votes, and one comment.......my comment for a mistake.....
Rebexii ~chu~

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