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Kuroko Tetsuya

I am invisible.

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Kuroko Tetsuya


2 minutes ago
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Kuroko Tetsuya

To all my friends I am leaving. I am invisible and no one now notices me after the Winter Cup. So I am moving to Australia to live with my grandparents. I hope everyone will see this at some point and regrets ever ignoring me. Goodbye...

7 hours ago
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Momoi Satsuki: Tetsu-kun! Don't go! I'm sorry!
2 minutes ago

Kise Ryouta: It's too late. He already left :(

Aomine Daiki: ......are you sure he left? I mean he could be doing this because we ignored him.

Midorima Shintaro: No. He is gone. I saw him off at the airport a couple of hours ago.

Akashi Seijuro: Don't fret everyone. Tetsuya is here with me in Austaralia. Because you all ignored him he came to me in despair. All of you, with the exception of Shintaro, hide...I'm coming after you.....

Kise Ryouta: .....bye....

Kuroko Tetsuya: Thank you Akashi-kun...I hope you kill them.

Aomine Daiki: !!?

Akashi Seijuro: Oh! Don't worry my dear Tetsuya. It's going to happen.


So guys. I'm going to be having slow updates, this time round. I haven't studied -3- and also I have master classes and exams and it's just uuuuuuuhhhhhggggggg.....

So please wait patiently and read my other story *3*

Love you guys,

Rebexii ~chu~

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