The Breakup

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The main room

Peter POV 

I was sitting next to Wanda who was laying her head on my shoulder while Sam and Rhodey were Fighting as Steve was reading the accords, dad was Laying on the Sofa while hearing them look like he was have a Headache

Sam: so let's say we agree to this thing, how long is it gonna be before they LoJack us, like a bunch of common criminals

Rhodey: 117 countries want to sign this, 117, Sam-

Sam: *Interrupted* how long are you going to play both sides

Vision: I have an equation, in the eight years since mr. Stark announced himself as iron man the number of known enhanced persons, has grown exponentially, during the same period number of potentially world ending events has risen at a commensurate rate

Steve: are you saying it our fault

Vision: I'm saying there maybe a causality, our very strength invites challenge, challenge incites conflict, conflict, breeds catastrophe, oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed, out of hand

Natasha: Tony, you being uncharacteristically non hyper verbal

Steve: because he made up his mind

Come on I really don't want to hear this, god now I'm feeling like dad

Tony: cap you know me so well, actually I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache, that what's going on cap it's just pain

he walk to the Kitchen, dad Continues on, but I don't Listen until, he Brings up this kid

Tony: Charles Spencer by the way, yeah he's a great kid, computer engineering degree 3.6 GPA, he decided to spend his summer, building sustainable housing for the poor, in sokovia, he wanted to make a difference, I suppose, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass, there no decision making process here, we need to be put in check, whatever from that takes I'm game, if we can't accept limitations, if we're boundary less, we're no better than the bad guys

As it goes on, I have had the Worst years of my life, there's days that are good, but when it comes to thing like this it feel like it never happened, the fight end, and Steve left, me and Wanda decided to go to our favorite spot where we first met

Wanda: what do you think they'll do to me

Peter: I don't know beauty Depends on what side you're gonna choose

Wanda: I don't know what side I'm going on, what about you

Wanda said looking at me

Peter: I don't know Either, but Either way I will always protect you


 i wasn't really going to break them up 

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