Chapter 3- Learning Kendo

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Hello everyone hopefully your liking this story it might not be much but hopefully it will be decent.

It's been a week since Hayate moved in with Hinagiku and he's gotten used to his new way of living. Although deep on the inside he missed all the things he got to do as Nagis Butler. Hayate unconsciously walked in on Hinagiku changing. Continuing his thoughts he stared blankly at Hinagiku who was covering up her chest while blushing.

“Oh my bad.. ” Hayate said still thinking about what he should do to Cheer up. He stopped thinking and looked at Hinagiku once again. “Hey is ken.... eh?” Hayate cut himself off and realized Hinagiku was naked. “WHY ARE YOU NAKED HAVE SOME DIGNITY! ” he yelled turning around so he couldn't see. Although in the back of his head he was thinking it would next nice to have just another peek.

Hinagiku nearly died of embarrassment. She quickly put on her shirt and skirt then pulled out her crystal blade. “HAYATE AYASAKI YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE!” She yelled with a deadly rage. She swung her blade towards Hayate faster than he could notice. The blade cut his cheek forming a small cut as blood dripped out. She swung again not realizing She hit him the first time do to her having here eyes closed.

Hayate had No choice but grab the wooden sword She had in the corner of her room. He attempted to block Hinagikus fierce attack but the realized wood was useless against crystal. He laughed nervously as he was cut on his right arm causing a bigger but than last time. “eto.... Hinagiku could you Please calm down you already c-” he was cut off by his chest getting slashed. Hinagiku then opened her eyes realizing what She did.

Hayate was on his knees holding his chest. “How did you learn to use a sword like that?” he asked. Hinagiku ran towards him. “I'm really Sorry I'll go get somethi-” She was cut off by him getting up holding what was left of that wooden sword as it snapped in half. “That's was a close one anyway where did you learn those moves?” he asked completely ignoring what just happened.

Hinagiku going along with Hayate on wanting to forget what happened replied. “I learned from all the Kendo I do.” Hayate smiled “that's great I was just thinking about taking up kendo too. I mean now I have plenty of free time.” he said in delight. “Really?  I never saw you as a kendo person.” Hinagiku said. Hayate grabbed a kendo stick that Hinagiku had in the corner of her room.

Hayate swung it around like he would see people do it in the anime he watched. Himagiku giggled. “Why are you laughing? ” Hayate asked. “That's not how you swing a sword in Kendo ” she replied.

Since that day Hayate and Hinagiku practiced kendo every chance they got. Hayate was good but not near the level Hinagiku was on. While learning kendo the bond between the two grew stronger. Eventually it seemed like they were a couple. Between the two they were just friends but everyone saw differently.

Hayate rushed into Honagikus room wanting yo challenge her. “Hina-.... ” he was saying before Hinagiku turned around with no shirt on. Hayate looked down “this happens to often... ” he mumbled. Rather than freaking out she simply pushed him out and told him to wait. Five minutes later she came out of her room already knowing what Hayate wanted.

The two walked into the back yard getting in there stances. Hayate was determined to win at least once. “let's do this who ever gets hit first is out.” Hinagiku suggested. “You're on” Hayate said in a cocky tone. And with that both charged towards each other. It was an instant win for Hinagiku. “Come on Hayate you usually hold out longer? ” Hinagiku asked. Hayate looked at Hinagiku. “Oh sorry I was distracted by something. It felt  like someone was watching us. ” he said. “it's probably nothing or my mother. ” she replied

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