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Tw: Drowning, swearing, suicidal thoughts, alcohol, blood, gets more graphic towards the end.

Noosa beach... what a shit hole. The icy water slapped my face and continued to tumble through my body causing me to tumble along with it. As I fell through what felt like the inevitable abyss of cold water feeling as if I was being stabbed by millions of little needles. My lungs screams reaching my ears as I bask in the serenity this feeling brings. A feeling of home and completion filled my void heart, but the pain that I was receiving on my body was nothing compared to the thoughts that stabbed my mind.

This all started when Chris, my best friend, had brought his new girlfriend , Tammy, over. She was a slut to say the least, but the second Chris saw her he needed to have her.

Tammy was tall with a tan complexion. She had long, curly brunette hair with caramel highlights that was always worn in a high ponytail with two small strands the always fell perfectly down her face to frame it. She didn't really have much of an ass, but enough tits to distract the boys from the little booty complication. She looked the same as all of the other local Noosa girls. So what made her special? What made Chris want her more than me? One simple fact, She was the 'anything but slut'. All the boys absolutely wanted her and now it was chris' turn to long for something that would ultimately destroy him.

I was having an open house party to celebrate the Broncos first win of the season. Everything was fine and I felt really good. I was kinda of a light weight only being 16 so 3 shots would bring me a major buzz or get me a little tipsy but that was it. Not enough to get black out drunk like last time. Then I had realized I would actually have needed more than I thought I did. As I looked up i saw Chris and Tammy on the couch going at it, they didn't mind Chris was popular and Tammy... Tammy just didn't give a FUCK anymore. I don't know why him bringing her to my house upset me but it did, and it hurt so bad. I felt my heart shatter and went straight to the bar looking for two things either a man or whiskey. Whiskey usually did the job for everyone. Right?

It was like As if I had blinked. it was midnight, and I was pissed, both angry and drunk. So as any rational human would do I went over to Chris and Tammy, they were still on the couch swallowing each other whole. I interjected and tried to be as comprehensible as possible. "Whay Down't you wawnt mi" is slurred Tammy looked confused at the sudden interaction but Chris, Chris seemed to understand. "I'm better than any of these slu- SLUTS here!" I continued resisting the urge to vomit on my parents expensive rug. I looked around and realized that cameras where all on me, stares of awe, concern and pure entertainment becoming engraved in my mind.

At the one moment I began to sober the fuck up, 'holy shit what the FUCK did I just do' I thought to myself as I continued to look around with tearful, frightened eyes, I felt the sudden but urgent need for fresh air, and the almost invisible air fluctuations as my lungs compressed 'is this what a panic attack felt like? This is bad what did I just do. FUCK!'

All of a sudden I was running out of my house, through the pristine white front door and onto the dock, my feet heavy with splinter, grabbing one of my many surf boards, I didn't need a wet suit because I knew how to swim properly and I had been surfing since I was two and a half.

After running for 5 minutes I made it to the beach, my feet moving subconsciously from the line where the grass and sand collide to the cold and dreaded ocean, inspiring pins and needles in my feet that sensation begins slowly move up my limbs as I continue to subconsciously move my feet closer and closer to my favorite spot in the water.

It was a small part where there was no net so I didn't get my long dangling legs caught in the safety net that kept out all creatures, and it being low tide made it more difficult to miss the netting. So when I had discovered my perfect spot I wasn't going to tell anyone let alone let it disappear in my memory.

This is where I come back to the future. As I lay in pure bliss in the ocean floor my lungs now begging for air.. for life and my face a shade of violet, ready to let go. It would be the whiskey, the ocean or Chris so I'm taking my chance to consider these options wisely.

The worst the whiskey could do is make a long and cancer filled death. I would spend my final days laying in a bed, giving false hope to anyone who even looked like they would shed a tear, but maybe that's the ending of someone else not me, not ever. No matter how much I wanted to leave this deceitful planet. It would never be that way.

The ocean... drowning. Now that was an interesting choice. The compression would slowly stop nagging my lungs and exchange it for my head, even though the thoughts that where only just visible from hours earlier had beaten it to the punch. Slowly I would start seeing black dots and my body would give in, inhaling the cold water leaving a saltiness on my sweet tongue. I was born to love the water so why not die in it. But not yet I had another option yet... Chris

Chris would yell at me, but he would never let me slip through his fingers, right? No matter how mad he thought he could be deep down he loved me. Whether it was in prep when I had gotten a bloody nose and he was the only person to help me, that's how we met. Or whether it was when I had made fun of him for asking out one of the girls that was in my old surfing classes, Sarah, to go to the grade 6 disco with him. He loved me and I loved him... but just not in the same way I guess and that's what really happened to hurt, that's what nagged at my mind at night. Not my most embarrassing moments on replay or traumatic experiences but pain. I knew he would freak out and I'd loose him. I guess some things are better kept secret.

As I continued to contemplate my options i get something hit my left foot, but I didn't think much of it. I would usually drift with the rip and end up against the net. But another against my right leg something wasn't right. As I was about to push myself off of the ocean floor I felt something touch my right arm.

At first I didn't feel much just a small sting, 'must of been a rock or a price of rogue coral' I thought to myself, if can happen all the time but may eyes grew heavy as well as my arm.

I turn my head to the right and am met with the deep, malicious eyes of a great white shark. I stop moving. Stop thinking. Stop breathing (though I wasn't already doing much of that). Black spots and my blood mixed with the salty water created a perfect film of blurriness. I began to fade in and out of consciousness. Fighting for my right to live that I had just taken for granted moments earlier.

My limb began to grow limp from the forceful circulation cutting off and in one messily planned out motion I ripped my arm from the beasts grip. My body instantly unbalanced as most of the side of my arm was ripped off.

I started swimming for my life, I pulled out anything, freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, even doggy paddle, everything hurt but I wasn't dying, but I was distraught. It's not the pain in my arm that is causing me to be distraught though it is the fact that the last time I saw my best friend, I was a drunken, pathetic, argumentative, messy, petty bitch. The last thing he would here from me would be "I'm better then all of the sluts here!" And that struck a chord in me.

As I pulled myself onto mainland my board slowly washing up next to me, bleeding out I wait for my inevitable death. I black out after hearing the screams of Chris, my mother and father and a couple other friends looking for me. The pinks and oranges swirling around the sky to create a hypnotising disarray of false hope and completion.

But I fade to dust instead.


A/N hi, how are we going? This chapter is horrible, it's really bad but you understand the concept I guess. I'm an Aussie high school student that can't spell properly because I just can't so I rely on autocorrect, I can do requests and if U notice a mistake could you please say something cause I'm self conscious lol

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