she had fun

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take me | 0:14 - 0:39


she had fun being talked about while walking along the glistening roads with the cold breeze hitting her face. she thought there's nothing prettier than the city at 5 AM. she was okay with all the blabbering, in fact, she was too okay.

step, step, and another step.
believe me, she tried to run when someone followed her down through a dark alley. it had a knife— with her insecurities engraved all over it. it hurt her but her terrible emptiness saved her.

and like a petal falling from a thirsty flower, the one who chased her revealed herself. what's inside, what's under that piece of cloth. in that moment, she wished that someone didn't removed her clothes, her body's totally ravaged. there are no left spaces without wounds and scars. because that someone looked like her.

she had fun.

i had too much fun destroying the person i see when i look at the mirror. walking around like a ghost in the empty street. wandering and wondering whether i even exist, whether i've ever existed at all.

i was okay with all the blabbering in my head. walking through the days with no idea who i am. i was okay but i never said it didn't hurt. even indifference hurts me.

you see, the thing is i would never let myself bleed red paint, i would never hurt myself. but i don't think i'll ever stop wishing i was dead.


( c )

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