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"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, they said she's dead!"

Yongha was puzzled. "But why would they call us a week later to inform us about it? That's kinda weird, isn't it?"

"She was found asleep after we had left. Her nurse thought that she was simply tired, so she left her to sleep. But the next day, she didn't wake up. Then they found out that she had actually died in her sleep! They were investigating her death, and now the police wants us to visit the crime scene, as we were the last people she was in contact with before her death," explained Seokhwa, astonishing the others.

"Wait, what's her name?" asked Yeri.

"Choi Sohyeon."

"Isn't she the woman Yohan accompanied to her room?" exclaimed Yeri.

"Don't worry, we know he wouldn't do that," assured Eunjae.

"But the police don't!" said Yongha.

"C'mon guys, we gotta go!" said Seokhwa, getting up.


"You see this glass? It had poison in it, I'm sure of it!" the Inspector showed a glass to the others.

They were standing in the dead woman's room, now sealed with yellow tape labelled "Keep Out". Yohan looked around the room with narrowed eyes, instantly recognizing all the contents as he had already seen them before.

Eunjae squeezed his hand to comfort him, and said, "You are completely innocent." He smiled back.

But the Inspector didn't agree.

"So, when did she start feeling unwell?" he said, turning towards Yohan. The latter cleared his throat and said, "Around noon."

"So you accompanied her here, huh? Then what happened?" he inquired loudly.

"She told me to go back, because she said she would lie down for some time," replied Yohan calmly.

"You didn't offer her a glass of water, by any chance?"

"Uh, no, sir."

"Very well, you all can go back. We will inform when we have other news," said the Inspector, and signaled his assistant to accompany them to the bus stop.

"Phew! What a weird end to the day!" exclaimed Seokhwa, when they were out of earshot of the police.

After getting off the bus, they all went their separate ways, Seokhwa with Yongha, Yeri alone, and Eunjae with Yohan, as they lived really close. Yohan accompanied her to her house.

"Isn't Daehyeon hyung home?"

"Nah, he's at the police station. He says that they have found new evidence regarding our parents' death."

"Oh, really? After 9 years suddenly?"

Eunjae shrugged. Yohan did the same, then waved her goodbye. Eunjae waited another hour for her brother, curious to hear about the investigation.

Suddenly she heard a little click at the door, and went to see what it was. She saw her brother entering, with a folder in his hand.

"Hey, you didn't go to bed yet?"

"I was waiting for you. What's in the folder?"

He hesitated, then handed it to her, saying, "The whole file about the case. It now includes all the details regarding the new evidence that was found."

She almost snatched it from, and opened it to look through a bunch of papers inside, then lifted her head up, her expression disappointed.

"You call this evidence? That's just our neighbor who said he saw a shadow passing through the neighborhood the night of the murder. He might have hallucinated."

Daehyeon scoffed and took the papers from her. He tried to persuade her.

"Not only was it a shadow, the witness said it was the shadow of a child. And it appeared right after the murder!"

Eunjae sighed. It's all so complicated.

"Well, I hope they find out who's the culprit," she said at last, as she saw that her brother had a lot of hopes for this investigation. But inside, she had already given up 8 years ago, when the case was first looked through, then ignored.

She was about to go upstairs to her room, when suddenly there came the noise of a window creaking. She and her brother were alarmed, and he rushed to the window, but all he heard were quick footsteps moving away.

He turned around to face his sister, and shook his head. The latter frowned, then closed the window firmly.

Somebody was spying on us...

They went up to their rooms, after saying good night to each other. Eunjae lied down on her bed, took her phone to write about all the police had found out to Yeri, when she heard a loud crash outside, followed by a scream.

She ran to her window to look outside, and all she saw was her neighbor's living room light half-broken, and her neighbor on the floor, bathed in blood...


Daehyeon almost immediately hurried into her room, being the overprotective brother he was, and was looking extremely tense, thinking something bad had happened to his sister.

"Yah, why did you scream so loudly? You scared me!" he yelled, looking at his sister's pale face.

The latter couldn't answer, she just pointed towards her neighbor's window. Daehyeon's eyes followed that direction, and he immediately gasped.

"We've got to call the police!" He pulled out his phone, and dialed the emergency service. About 10 minutes later, they heard the loud sirens, and Eunjae felt extremely relieved.

"The murder occurred just after you went upstairs?" the Inspector asked Eunjae.

The latter nodded her head, her eyes shaking. "Yes, after I heard the scream."

The police looked around a bit more, then carried away the dead man's body in an ambulance. Before going away, the Inspector told them, "If you see any weird happenings related to this, please inform us. And also if this man had any bad relations with somebody or not."

They both nodded, and as Eunjae saw the police getting into their cars, something popped up in her mind. She rushed to stop the Inspector.

"Wait! I think there was something weird that happened."

The man turned around, and frowned questioningly.

"Before I went up to my room, I and my brother were in the living room. Somebody was spying on us, cuz we saw the window open, and heard footsteps running away."

The Inspector replied, "You're saying the person who was spying on you could have murdered your neighbor?"

Eunjae shrugged. The Inspector considered it, and said, "I suppose it could be possible."

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