Yongha's clue

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"Who the hell is it supposed to be addressed to?" asked Seokhwa.

Yohan frowned and said, "Do you think the attacker put it in Yongha's pocket?"

The others shrugged. Eunjae and Yeri looked at each other, then at Yohan and Seokhwa.

"Do we have to show the police this piece of paper? Or do we just keep it a secret?"

"There must be a reason his roommate gave you the note instead of the police. We'll just have to figure out why," said Yohan.

Seokhwa and the others agreed.

"I think we should all go home now, because it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning! We'll discuss this tomorrow after we visit Yongha. Luckily, tomorrow's a Saturday," said Yeri.

After they reached Yeri's house, Eunjae suddenly grabbed her hand.

"We've made a BIG mistake!"

"I know! We shouldn't have shown them the note!"

"You know what? When we wake up this morning, we'll head straight to Yongha's neighbourhood. We have to talk to the kids who saw the attacker. Even if we're more than 100% sure that it's Yohan, that'll help us get evidence so that the police listens to us."

Yeri agreed, and they entered the house. Yeri's mother wanted explanations of course, so they had to narrate all that happened at the hospital, and Yongha's house, but nothing about the note or their suspicions.

They went to bed as soon as they could, so that they could wake up earlier than any of the boys. Next morning, they hurried to Yongha's neighbourhood, and knocked on the door of the house right opposite to Yongha's.

A plump old woman opened the door and smiled at them, saying,  "Hello, dears. How can I help you?"

Eunjae asked, "We have some questions we want to ask your grandchildren, if you permit us to."

"Ah, is this because of yesterday? Yes, I heard. Of course, of course, come on in," she let them in.

They entered and waited in the living room. The old woman shouted, "Soyoung! Hyeri! Come downstairs!"

Almost at once, two five year-old girls came running downstairs. Visibly, they were twins. They seemed really excited to see somebody new in their house.

"They want to ask you some questions. Answer them truthfully, okay? Stop fidgeting with the tablecloth, Soyoung-ah!" 

Yeri came forward and asked sweetly, "Were you playing in front of your house yesterday evening?"

"Yes!" they both answered together.

"How late were you playing?"

"Until just before dinner," one of them looked thoughtful, then answered, "at nine."

"You know Yongha oppa?" asked Eunjae, at once getting a nod from them.

"Yes, he lives just over there. He's really nice, he buys us candy sometimes."

"Okay, now tell me, did somebody visit him last evening?" asked Yeri.

They both frowned and thought hard before replying, "A friend of his did. We saw him before with him too, cuz he visits often."

"Is it his roommate?"

"No, not Donghan oppa, somebody else. I forgot his name."

"Do you remember how tall he was?" asked Eunjae, looking hopeful.

"Um, not really. But he was taller than you." That made Yeri and Eunjae smile.

"Thank you very much, halmeoni," Yeri and Eunjae stood up and bowed before leaving.

"We didn't get much evidence. But they're still witnesses that Donghan wasn't the culprit," said Yeri, trying to sound positive.

"I'm still pretty sure Yohan did it. We have to be careful. We can't let Yohan stay alone at the hospital with Yongha. You never know if he might strike again!" said Eunjae.

They hurried to meet the boys at the hospital. Yongha was in a better state now and the doctor was explaining to Yongha what had happened to him last evening.

While they were waiting, Yohan and Seokhwa tried to lighten the mood by talking about video games, movies and stuff like that, but Eunjae and Yeri stayed quiet.

About 15 minutes later, the doctor came outside and told them that they were allowed to enter Yongha's room.

They found Yongha sitting on the white bed, reading a book. He was delighted to meet them.

"Hey, guys!"

The others were visibly happy too. At once, they started asking questions on how he felt. Apparently, he didn't remember what had happened to him. 

They chattered happily for about half an hour, then Seokhwa got up and said, "Oh, I almost forgot! My mom's birthday's coming nearer and I wanted to buy something special for her, But I don't really know what women like, so could you help me choose her gift?" 

He turned to Yeri and Eunjae. The latter got up and said, "Sure! I can come with you."

Yeri stayed back with Yongha and Yohan; she didn't dare to leave them alone, no matter how innocent Yohan acted.

"Whoa, I didn't know you could drive!" said Eunjae, when she saw Seokhwa's car. He just smirked and shrugged, opening the car door for her. 

"We'll just make a little stop before going to the mall," he said, starting the engine.

Yeri's POV

"You really don't remember anything from last night?" I asked Yongha, even if I knew the answer to it. I just wanted to see how Yohan would react to it. He seemed curious to know, too. 

Just wait, Kim Yohan, we'll catch you red-handed!

Yongha looked thoughtful, and chose his words carefully, "Actually, I do remember something."

Our eyes widened.

He went on, "Everything was really blurry, but I do remember a scent."

"A scent?"

"Yeah. A smell of passion fruits."

"But isn't that Seokhwa's perfume?" asked Yohan. "I know that because I bought that for him."

I gasped.

Eunjae's in danger!

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