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this is my first time writing sbi lmfao. so if I cross any of the cc's boundaries, please let me know!! i appreciate any support <3 so don't be a ghost reader :( /nm ily mwah have a nice day, and thank you for reading !!

a vigilantes tale.

tommyinnit, the most feared, amazing and poggers (vigilante) hero was in town. well, tommyinnit or just tommy wasn't always just a hero at first. at a really young age, tommy's parents set him off at an orphanage for an unknown reason, there he met tubbo. his best friend.

tommy and tubbo were an unstoppable duo at the orphanage, spreading chaos left and right. but also stood up to the bullies there, well tommy did. (he only picked fights with them.) as they grew up to their teenage years, (tommy: 14, tubbo: 15) tommy felt more rebellious and wanted to see the world.

so, one night, tommy packed all of his things and decided to run off. the plan wasn't simple, but the execution had to be perfect.

but he couldn't leave tubbo behind, so he woke him up. "tubbo! tubbo! wake up! we gotta leave this place!" tommy half whispered, while shaking tubbo awake. "...nngh, what is it tommy.." tubbo turned around to see tommy. "pack your things, we are leaving this place!"

tubbo was shook, awoken he stood up "tommy, are you sure you wanna go? we can still wait—" "tubbo you don't understand, we have to go! nobody is gonna adopt two teenagers these days. so hurry up, and pack your things."

and so tubbo did. who knew three years later, they'd both be living independently in an apartment, just in the city.


it was a normal day, the sun was shining, birds were singing and tommy was in the mood of doing justice. well, usually there wouldn't be any crime at broad daylight, or that's what tommy's initial thought was.

as he was walking down the streets of the city, inside of the big nation l'manburg, he heard a lady scream for help. that's when tommy rushed to the scene, pulling down his mask. "hey, don't steal that lady's bag!" tommy took out his pen, clicked it, and out came a baton. "whatcha' gonna do kid? swing at me with that stick of yours?" the thief laughed.

"hey! don't insult tubbos magnificent weapon that he made for me! this thing can do more damage than a fucking stick!" tommy shouted more profanities at the thief. "you know what, yes i will be swinging this at you, prick. this is for insulting my best friends poggers weapon." and so he did, swung it right onto the thief's head, knocking him unconscious.

"yeah bitch! suck it bitch boy!!" the kid took the stolen bag and gave it to the woman. "thank you so much, how can i repay you?" a thought popped up into his head, "that'll be 100$, it does get tiring beating the shit out of criminals like him." he proudly said, clicking in his baton. the woman looked doubtful at him, but gave in and handed him 100$.

"tommy! that's not a way to get money." tubbo scolded tommy through his earpiece. "yeah but tubbo, tubso tubs my best friend, my best pal! it's not called survival of the fittest for no reason!" tubbo just scoffed. "i'm gonna go buy us something and then you'll be thankful for my methods of getting money." and so he did. he went to the local supermarket and the first thing he saw was crime. the store was getting robbed. what a lucky day for the tommyinnit community.

"wassup arseholes!" the robbers turned to tommy. "tch, another kid?" said one robber, "no dude, isn't that the kid flash? that one vigilante around town?" tommy was dumbfounded. "who's 'kid flash' supposed to be?" the robbers looked shocked at him. "you are the kid flash! the one with the stick like baton or something." tommy was offended, "this powerful, amazing and poggers weapon isn't a stick! it's made by mister bee boy himself! you shall apologize this instant!" he said clicking out his baton.

the robbers dropped their things. "alright kiddo, bring it on." they dashed at him both, and tommy was ready to defend himself. first he hit the left robber, as he jumped up making the other robber run into his pal. bouncing off his baton, he hit them both by the sides making them ache down. "you are not bad, for a child." tommy got more mad as they ran after him. he went to the aisle of cans, and one by one, he shot at them like it was baseball.

"yeah bitch! take this for calling me a child!" just then, he heard tubbo speaking from the earpiece, "tommy you gotta get outta there! there is a hero on the way! i think it's the blade, grab what you need and go!" tommy was aroused. "the blade!" so he grabbed some cup noodles, and some cans of coke. but he was too late. the blade and philza had arrived. "what's going on here mate?" philza asked one of the cashiers that was hiding behind one of the exits.

"some child came in here and fought the robbers! i didn't know what to do, so i called you guys and the police." the cashier said shaking. oh shit, tommy was not gonna get caught by the blade and the philza. he looked up to them, especially philza, he was so powerful and so poggers. he was like a god above everyone — according to tommy.

tommy ran to a corner and hid. "tubbo, can you locate a place for me to get out off!" he said whispering. "okay! i just need to hack into the supermarkets cameras, might take a while." tubbo began typing codes and stuff out. "well hurry up, because the blade is nearing me!"

then willow came floating in by his powers. "dad i swear, if it's one of the vigilantes, then i might just loose it." willow said tucking his beanie in place. "will calm down mate, it's a child, we should find the child and get them back to their parents." tommys face soured when he heard the word 'parents'. there is no one, nobody. his so called parents left him. so he has to man up for himself. willow used his powers to lift up the cans and other products that were lying on the floor. tommy quickly took out a hoodie from his backpack and put his mask there as well.

"tubbo please say you've gotten in!" "i'm in! now, blade is on the left aisle of where you are. willow is on your right. since you've changed your clothes, maybe carefully walk out like you were some victim of the scene." tommy followed tubbos instructions and it went smoothly until he made the exit. "hey kid, where is your parents?" tommy turned around to see willow. "i don't have any. that's quite rude asking an orphan." he said bitterly.

"woah, calm down child. shouldn't you be at the orphanage then?" tommy got more annoyed, "first of all, i'm not a child. i'm 19," he lied "and nobody wants so adopt someone like me. now if you'll excuse me, i have a friend i need to feed." willow held him with his powers by the hood, "we'll have you at least seen whoever the kid that came in here and fought with the robbers?"

tommy got nervous. "i- uh, no. i think they ran when you came. now let me go." and so he did.

to be continued.

1259 words poggers

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