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"that was weird." wilbur thought. wilbur had never seen another orphan other than one time, where he helped a lost orphan. but that was years ago. funny enough that orphan turned out to become his brother. techno wasn't really proud of saying that he was once an orphan himself, because that's ironic when he jokes about stabbing orphans.

but at the same time, he has his own reasons to joke about that. but that's not for now, it's about wilbur i guess. "oh come on author, i didn't do anything in particular. all i wanted was some 'me time' in the story." wilbur whined. hah, sorry bur.

anywho, wilbur got more curious about the younger british boy, that he meet at the market. so secretly, he followed him. with his powers, purple blazing smoke came glowing out of his hands. he swiftly turned himself invisible, and followed the younger. imagine scarlet witch but with purple magic, and much more. that's wilbur. or, willow.

tommy was walking back to his place, holding a paper bag in his left arm, and a coke can in the other. through many alleyways and ruined paths, until he crossed a pond near his place. out of curiosity, tommy went over to the pond, and saw something glowing, like shiny magnificent gold. "aw, hello there little fish." he coos at the goldfish. the little fish swam in circles as a greeting. wilbur was confused as he hid behind a tree. he'd never know that tommy had a soft spot for animals.

tommy places down his paper bag and his backpack to the side, also ripping off his earpiece. squatting down, tommy poked his finger down to the fish, smiling. "you small creatures are so lovely in this world, in fact you are the ones that makes this world a lovely place. and cows. i love cows." says tommy, trying to pet the fish. "but don't tell tubbo that. he'll think i'm not manly. and i am a manly man. in fact a big man. the biggest man here in l'manburg. besides philza. he is so poggers and majestic. also the blade, he is so badass."

wilbur was waiting for him, to praise him as well. but nothing came out of his mouth. he was just starstruck by the fish. wilbur got a little disappointed, but would not admit that he was indeed jealous. "imma name you, clementine. aye? the name clementine sound lovely for you." wilbur was just in awe at the moment. leaning against the tree with his arms crossed, he didn't notice a branch that had fallen from the tree, making him accidentally step on it.

tommy in a flash, whipped out his weapon and yelled: "who is there! come out where ever you are!" wilbur quickly hid back at the tree making him visible, with a trail of purple dust. tommy got confused. "willow?" the older internally cursed to himself. "yeah, congratulations. it's me." he came out of his hiding place, in defeat. "what the fuck. why are you here? did you follow me?" tommy went closer with the weapon. "well, i was on my night shift and happened to pass by. nothing else." wilbur looked at tommy with hands behind his back.

"wait, you are on your night shift, patrolling around l'manburg? can i join? please?~" tommy really wanted to come along and fight crime with a hero. "actually no. you should go home. 'cause i don't think that you're really 19. you look much younger, even though that you're about my height almost." willow said turning around smirking, hoping tommy would keep asking him to tag along. "fine! have it your way. i'll go find some crime myself." and with that, tommy packed his things and went away. willow was dumbfounded. what? that was not how it's supposed to be. "then next time, go with your favorite hero's, philza and the blade." willow scoffed off into the dark night. tommy turned around to see a purple glow fly further into the clouds.

he shrugged it off and went back to the pond. "i can't leave you here, my now adopted daughter, clementine. let's go do crime together, aye?" the goldfish responded by blowing bubbles. tommy took an empty goldfish jar, and filled it with water and the fish. "now we can do crime and save people together!" tommy said happily, jumping around with the jar. clementine just swam around in circles. up from above, willow was still looking, unconsciously smiling at the cute sight. willow was getting soft for the younger boy, but why? he didn't know himself. philza has two children, but one more isn't too much. right? "are you seeing this techno?" willows vision suddenly turned yellow. "yeah i can see that. you're going soft for the kid, pal." the blade said in his low tone.

"no i am not! no no and no. i'll never go soft on a vigilante! he's annoying and stubborn. that little gremlin." the blade just scoffed and went away, making willows vision turn normal. and with that, willow flew back to the headquarters. meanwhile tommy over here, found some crime things to take care of. he pulled out his mask from his backpack and pulled it down. "listen here my daughter, this is where you learn from tommyinnit, the most feared, amazing and poggers person here in l'manburg!" tommy said proudly, setting down his backpack, paper bag with things from the supermarket with clementine in it. "hey you little pieces of shits! what do you think you're doing to that poor boy!" the two really muscular men turned around, with big scars over their faces. "oh my philza, both of you are so ugly."

the scared boy was looking awfully like a mixture of an enderman and some other thing. and he was really tall, and tommy found that very irritating. he was supposed to be the big man around here. "okay boys, let's do this like real men. you let go of the poor scared boy, and we'll negotiate this peacefully, aye?" one of the men literally just picked up tommy and took his glasses down. "so you are this 'kid flash' that my men has been scared off? boy looks younger than 19. how old are you really?" the big man said gripping tommy by the neck real hard. "l-let me go, then i-i'll tell you!" tommy was struggling to breathe. he then signed the taller boy to run, and so he did leaving tommy there with the two big men. "that kid was useless anyways. now you, you are more interesting, and would be perfect for the experiment." tommy was now scared.

he tried to push a button on the side of his earpiece, but it was missing. "now now, you won't need this anymore." tommy didn't want it to end like this. he just got big cash from some lady he saved, had an encounter with his biggest heros, and adopted a fish. the men tried to knock him out, but tommy kept refusing, trying to kick and punch them. "help m-me! somebody!" tommy tried to scream. but nobody could hear him, in that dark alleyway.

to be continued.

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