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wilbur got slightly concerned when tommy said he'll go alone out in the dark. there was some people that you'll have to look out for. lately there had been some people that had been kidnapping children and doing experiments on them, because they had some kind of special power. but wilbur didn't know if tommy had any powers at all. "will, stop pacing back and fourth. it's irritating me." technoblade said, placing his book besides him. "but techno, what if that kid has been kidnapped? what if that kid actually had any parents that's concerned about why he hasn't come home yet?" wilbur stopped pacing back and forth.

"will, the kid is maybe home by now. don't worry. now come have dinner, you haven't eaten anything the whole day, even when niki offered you brownies." phil came in with plates in his hands. "okay, after i've eaten i'll go out and check. just to be sure." phil just nodded and they ate in peace. wilburs vision suddenly went yellow. "stop worrying about that kid, i can't eat in peace. i have enough voices to deal with, and i don't want one of them to be you." wilbur and techno developed a telepathic connection someway somehow. philza still haven't found out how or why. but it seemed pretty useful.

"shut the fuck up, i don't care, and couldn't care less. literally nobody asked technoblade." wilbur chewed bitterly. "okay boys, no need to stare at each other like that." phil tried to calm them both down. they've been looking at each other, like they could've bitten the heads off. "phil, do we have any info on the kid? any files or something?" wilbur asked, easing his face. "yeah, no i don't think so. you could maybe check, but i'm pretty sure that we don't have any data on him, apart from that he is the kid flash, or whatever they call him." wilbur then finished eating his plate of food, and quickly went out in the dark.

soaring out in the night was somewhat therapeutic, it's so quiet and when the cold breeze hits your face while flying is so nice. but then his stomach dropped when he heard someone yelling: "h-help me! somebody!" he immediately knew who it was. out of fear he quickly flew over to see tommy getting strangled by one of the kidnappers. "w-willow—" was the last thing tommy said before passing out. wilbur got furious. "oh look, isn't it willow." one of the men swung tommy over his shoulder before jumping over the fence behind him. "let go of him." wilburs hands glowed bright red instead of purple. and that wasn't a good sign. "boss, we have a code red, one of the hero's are here, and it's willow." wilbur didn't bother listening to them and immediately attacked them, swinging his hands under them, as he floated off the ground.

"let. him. go!" wilbur threw them both on the ground leaving tommy afloat. he quickly flew over to tommy catching him. "you're in my hands now, gremlin." he then floated over to tommys belongings and picked them up with his powers. his earpiece then began speaking: "tommy! hello?! please don't say you've died! tommy! bossman?" so tommy was his name. wilbur took the earpiece on and told the boy: "don't worry, i've got him." and then he flew back to the headquarters.

"phil! do we have an extra room?" wilbur came floating in, through the window placing the boy's things down. "oh my, is that the kid?" phil came dashing over taking the kid. "he is bleeding through his neck! techno get the medical kit!" philza yelled, running to the nearest couch. then technoblade came running with the kit. "what the hell happened with that kid." he said, throwing the kit to wilbur. "we'll take him back to our place. will, you'll be looking out for him." inside wilbur was happy. but on the outside, he didn't express it.

he finally got to experience what it was like to be an older brother. even though he had techno, they found out that they both was born on the same day. but techno kept insisting that he was the older twin. "how did you even find him?" techno asked, "i just heard him yelling for help." wilbur said patching tommy up. "found him with one of those kidnappers around an alleyway having him cornered. one of then was choking him too hard, making his nails cut deep in, making him pass out quickly. that's where i came in and kicked their asses." he said proudly, making techno roll his eyes. "did you even find out what the kid's name is?" phil asked, slowly watching over wilbur carefully tying a bandage around the kid's neck.

"his name is tommy, apparently. didn't found out what his last name was." will said, carrying tommy out the the window, having technoblade and philza following along. "we can find out, since he said he was from an orphanage.  there was an orphanage not long from here. maybe we can dig up something from there." techno said jumping out the window, onto the next building. "let's just quickly get home. i'm exhausted." phil said, spreading his wings and soaring out, wilbur followed along.

as they were running through the night, they still heard some rustling here and there. "techno, isn't your gear a little too, you know, too much to handle? you look like some anarchist mixed with a bourgeoise boar with all that gold and that bigass cape." wilbur dissed with techno trying to catch up by jumping building to building. "oh shut up. at least i'm killing and saving peoples lives in style, and not in a long brown coat that's so rusty, with a beanie that doesn't even fit the look." techno laughed. "and you dad, you look like some wannabe anime character!" the twins said in unison laughing. phil didn't bother. all that matters was they were smiling.

to be continued.

perfectly 1000 words + the tbc lmfao let's goo *dababy pose*

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